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Love is messy, as it’s supposed to.

劇情聽上去本是輕鬆浪漫小品:男孩憨批求學霸女追校花,一來二去學霸和校花互相吸引。但在美國南方閉塞封建、傳統基督教思想廣泛的小鎮,這小品又談何輕鬆。不同於《Love, Simon》這種青春片的明媚和充滿希望,這個故事多少是壓抑的。


ellie被aster的吸引源於文學藝術的交流,」It’s supposed to be only one letter.」然後,嗯,寫信和用假名發短信這樣的交流真的自帶曖昧氣氛並容易讓人魂牽夢縈。兩位少女在在小河裡「not talk about boys」,所有的安靜間歇都恰到好處。

ellie和paul的情誼反倒是最打動我的:挑衣服,文藝表演,party之後把ellie帶回家,paul這個溫柔的憨批一點一點打開了沉默少女的心。paul從一開始的「我愛aster」到以為ellie喜歡自己(也對ellie日久生情),到意識到ellie喜歡aster,到教堂鬧劇,到最後追著火車送ellie,在各種溫柔隱忍的大小互動中,我覺得這個可愛的男孩子反而最清晰地敘述了本片主旨:Love is messy.

Love isn’t patient and kind and humble. Love is messy and horrible and selfish and… bold.
It’s not finding your perfect half. It’s trying and reaching and failing.
Love is being willing to ruin your good painting for the chance of a great one.

大概就是這樣。大概就是paul讀讀不進去的書(其實我也有點讀不進去《remains of the day》…guilty)、即使很傻也要追著火車跑,安靜的ellie毀掉了教堂求婚,依然迷茫的aster放棄了一眼能看到頭的人生去申請art school。這些小鎮上的青少年並沒有談什麼轟轟烈烈的戀愛,但至少他們都能畫出更大膽的筆畫。

"I don’t believe in God."

- "That must’ve been so nice."


少女躺在小河裡那段,ellie說我不相信上帝(」I don’t believe in God」,更像是「我不相信上帝的存在」),aster的第一反應是that must’ve been so nice. Ellie說,不一定,有時候也很孤獨。

後來aster問Paul do you believe in God? Paul想都沒想說,of course. aster愣一下也說,yea, of course.

Paul意識到Ellie喜歡aster之後的第一反應是this is a sin, 你會下地獄的。後來他接受了Ellie的一切(大概得益於跟ellie爸爸那段無比尷尬的外語對話…),跟ellie一起鬧騰教堂。對aster和paul來說,Ellie無神論者的身份和她stand for的許多(在教堂彈琴的異教徒、外來人、非異性戀)本身就是對他們take for granted的保守宗教信仰的挑戰。而在這些細微的愛、曖昧和情誼中,他們重新思考自己相信什麼。

這是一個無比漫長的過程,這些小孩對自身的審視在片中也只有一點點苗頭。不過看到十七歲的少年們轉頭agonize about many things they used to take granted for, 這些迷茫和成長本身就足夠迷人了。

"The Chinese girl is here!"

另一個我很喜歡的切入點是全片對ellie一家作為少數族裔的映襯。影片背景設在predominantly white的南方小鎮,ellie和父親幾乎是全片唯一的people of color。在這個環境他們並沒有受到傳統意義的欺凌和歧視(ellie因為last name被嘲笑也並不是explicit discrimination,更像一種不帶太多惡意的無知的microaggression),但通片貫穿的是ellie的孤獨。她不愛打扮,在高中校園幾乎agreesively asexual,用paul的話說很少「girl up」,她有一個管控火車的小小宇宙,她不邀請外人,也沒有人注意。她沉默、低調、隱忍,但這不代表她不是異類。

文藝晚會的高光時刻她被邀請去party,學生們高興地說the Chinese girl is here! 她睡在Paul家,Paul的媽媽說you’rePaul’sChinese friend. 直到影片最後一個鏡頭,paul追著火車的身影遠去之後,Ellie看向車廂裡每個面色百無聊賴的白人,她在即將到來的新生活面前仍免不了是那個外人和異類。

如果base在紐約、加州或者任何大城市,這樣一個故事裡的孤獨感會被削弱大半甚至消失,但在這樣的setting這種孤獨感幾乎幾十年不變。整個電影蒙上一層帶點灰暗的孤獨感,這氛圍太像《Everything I never told you》裡對中國家庭的描寫:

What’s it like?」 Lydia hesitated. Sometimes you almost forgot: that you didn’t look like everyone else. In homeroom or at the drugstore or at the supermarket, you listened to morning announcements or dropped off a roll of film or picked out a carton of eggs and felt like just another someone in the crowd. Sometimes you didn’t think about it at all. And then sometimes you noticed the girl across the aisle watching, the pharmacist watching, the checkout boy watching, and you saw yourself reflected in their stares: incongruous. Catching the eye like a hook. Every time you saw yourself from the outside, the way other people saw you, you remembered all over again. You saw it in the sign at the Peking Express—a cartoon man with a coolie hat, slant eyes, buckteeth, and chopsticks. You saw it in the little boys on the playground, stretching their eyes to slits with their fingers—Chinese—Japanese—look at these—and in the older boys who muttered ching chong ching chong ching as they passed you on the street, just loud enough for you to hear.

總體非常喜歡這個片子,充滿共情的喜歡。我喜歡青春片結尾還是什麼都沒有figure out,ellie只能氣鼓鼓地跟aster說I’ll see you in a couple of years!;我更喜歡青春片結尾她不捨得真的甩手走,還是要鼓起勇氣回頭吻喜歡過的女孩。文化和宗教不一定共通,但在love面前還是人類大同。

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