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電影《鋒迴路轉》影評:A smaller donut with its own hole,and our donut is not holed at all.


1.Ransom:Hey,take an extra bowl. 2.Ransom:I always thought I was the only one that could beat him at GO.(五子棋) 2.Blanc:Strange case from the start.A case with a hole in the middle.A donut?I'm just talking through my process here,let me know if this is boring.I feel the noose tightening,the family is truly desperate.Desperate motives.Then mystery of who hired me,the impossibility of the crime and yet(犯罪如何實現),a donut!One central peice,and if it reveals itself the fog would lift,the arc would resolve,and slinky become unkinked.(利箭即發,弓弦繃直) Marta:Do you mind if I stop for a second?I need to pick something up.It will be very quick. Blac:Sure. Marta:It'll be just a few minutes. Blanc:I'll watch the,door. 3.Blanc:I spoke in the car about the hole at the center of this donut.And what you and Harlan did that fateful night seems at first glance to fill that hole perfectly.A donut hole in a donut's hole.But we must look a little closer.And when we do we see that the donut hole has a hole in its center.It is not the donut hole,but a smaller donut with its own hole,and our donut is not holed at all! Sargent:Blanc,look,I understand that this is amusing for you. Blanc:Why was I hired?Why would someone hire me? Sargent:Someone fishing for a crime to reverse the will. Blanc:I was hired before the sealed was read.So yes,the person must have known the contens of the will. 4.Blanc:You won not by playing the game the Harlan's way,but yours.你能贏不是因為Harlan安排好的,而是你自己很出色.You're a good person. Marta:This family.I should help them,right? Blanc:I have my own opinion.But I have a feeling you'll follow your heart.

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