鋒迴路轉影評Knives out
I built my business from the ground up 我白手起家成立了自己的公司
It’s unfair of me to keep you tethered to something that isn’t yours to control 我拴著你做不該你管的事情是不公平的
I’ve done you a grave disservice 我嚴重地傷害了你
All these years, ive kept you from building something of your own that was yours 這麼多年 我一直阻礙了你建立屬於自己的事業
for some unknown reason z不知道為什麼
They have this love-hate bond 他們之間愛恨交加
Unfiltered truth 真實情況
How shall I put this delicately 該怎麼委婉的表達呢
Why do men instinctively pull at loose threads on their parachutes 男人為什麼總是本能地自尋死路
There’s so much of me in that kid 那孩子跟我太像了
I don’t fear death. But I’d like to fix some of this before I go. Close the book with a flourish. 我不懼怕死亡 但我想在死前解決好一些事 完美落幕
La-la land 極樂之境
This all feels like one, like something he’d write, not do. 這一切就像是他筆下的情節 而非真實發生的事 I keep waiting for the big reveal 我一直在等待揭示真相的時刻 where it’ll make sense 到那時一切都說的通了
That says quite a lot 表示程度
Something is afoot with this whole affair 整件事背後另有隱情
Raffle and root 翻找 搜尋
Gravity’s rainbow 《萬有引力之虹》the title describes the path of a projectile determined by natural law. 描繪了自然法則決定的食物軌跡
I observe the facts without biases of the head or heart. I determine the arc’s path, stroll leisurely to its terminus and the truth falls at my feet. 我觀察客觀事實 不受大腦或心靈的主觀偏見影響 我找出軌跡的走向 閒庭信步至盡頭 真相就出現在我眼前了
Some of us may be surprised by the choice I’ve made here. No pleasure was taken in the exclusion. And it’s purpose was not to sow greater discord in the family. Quite the opposite. Please accept it with grace and without bitterness. But do accept it. It’s for the best. 除名的過程並不好受 並且這份遺囑的目的 不是為了在這個家裡埋下更深的分歧 恰恰相反 請從容地接受它 不要心懷怨懟 但請你們接受它 這是最好的選擇
I think everybody just needs to cool their jets. 大家都應該冷靜一點
Why is grief the providence of youth 為何天意總讓年輕人承載悲痛 I’d imagine that age deepens all feelings. Including griefs. 我想年齡會加深所有的情感 包括悲痛
Perceptive 觀察入微
in my field of view
You and xxx are drama mamas, you shared a love of twisting the knife into one another. 你們都喜歡看好戲 十分享受慢慢折磨
He’s cheating on you. I have the proof I know you don’t need to see. Untether yourself. It’s time. 我手裡有證據 但我知道你不用看 儘早抽身 是時候了
You won, not by playing the game Harlan’s way, but yours. 你之所以能贏 不是靠它給你指的路 而是靠你自己 you’re a good person 你是個好人
Well, I have my opinion, but I have a feeling you will follow your heart. 我可沒這麼想 不過我有預感你會遵從自己的內心