電影《愛x死x機器人的劇評 (1181)</h1> <div class="grid-16-8 clearfix">
愛x死x機器人的劇評 (1181)</h1> <div class="grid-16-81 sunnie‘s edge, on the edge of fear
2 3 robots, human finally diminished themselves, hooray the cats ??
3 the witness, listen to me!
4 Suites, they blew about the advantage of being a farmer
5 sucker of souls, I don't believe it
6 when the yogurt took over, there is peace at least
7 beyond the aquila rift, humanity is not possessed only by human
8 good hunting, good hunting
9 the dump, disgusting
10 shape-shifters, american president can get the Nobel peace price if he/she don't start a war
11 helping hand, if things can be done by one, why hire two?
12 fish night, a magnificent dream
13 lucky 13, why there is always war
14 zima blue, simple happiness from simple work
15 blindspot, robbery
16 ice age, we are not in a cycle, we are in control of our life
17 alternative histories, sarcasm? A little bit too much
18 secret war, another fantasy about soviet, please you white democrats read books about Karl Max and other works about socialism