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電影《寵物當家2》影評:Im gonna try and find my inner Rooster


很多畫面很好笑,比如snowball在小主人上學後在陽台上隨風狂喊,放飛自我;比如 Gidget 「作弊」 catch 到 red light ,成為 the chosen one hhhh

一些情節有意義,比如 Rooster 和 Max 關於小朋友是否應該被關著、能否爬樹,以及 Max 的狗套能否去掉


"life finds a way of surprising you"

"you only have two choice,

to run from it, or to run at it

and I'll be brave, cause everything’s gonnalbe OK

and I'll help Liam be brave

because he's my child

and I want him to see the world

the big, scary, incredible world "


Finally, 原本像Max的中國家長變成了典型的American parents hhhh

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