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電影《靈魂急轉彎》影評:The purpose of life


What is the purpose of life? It’s not the sparks we’re looking for, it’s not the hypothetical things we’re thinking about, it’s not even the things that we love. It’s the life itself.

It’s every road we walk through, every dishes we try. it’s every time the wind blows, every time the sun rise.It’s the first time a leaf falling down on your open hand, it’s the first time you let sand touches your feet. It’s when you feel sad,anxious,depressed and your heart broken in to pieces, it’s when you’re happy,passionate,enthusiastic, maybe fall down and get back on your feet.

What exactly is the purpose of life? It’s not being someone unbreakable and great.It’s being someone who has flaws and ups andowns and maybe lonely but still love life.

It’s every minute we’re living. I don’t know about you, but I love my life,and I’m totally gonna live every minute of it.

IT145.com E-mail:sddin#qq.com