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起先,這裡有一條魚的故事。 I heard this story about a fish. He swims up to this older fish and says, "I'm trying to find this thing they call the ocean." "The ocean?" says the older fish. "That's what you're in right now." "This?" says the young fish."This is water.What I want is the ocean." 魚的目標是海洋,但它沒發現的是,海洋卻是由無限的水構成。當你站在星雲之外,再宏大的目標,也不過是一粒塵埃。 然後,是一個原本想成為獸醫的理髮師的故事。他的工作-理髮,可以給別人帶來快樂,所以,他也從這份工作中得到了快樂和意義,即便在最開始,他想當的是獸醫。 平凡,是大多數人一生的真相。然而平凡也可以孕育出如宇宙星雲般的豐富和精彩。只要你願意去發現周圍的生活,人,以及他們的生活。 But it is nice to finally talk to you about something other than jazz, Joe. Huh. How come we, um, never talked about your life before? You never asked. But I'm glad you did this time.

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