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電影《靈魂急轉彎》影評:The movie is just OK and the moral is on the point.


This was DEEP, and something every single person can relate to . This idea of where we come from , why we are here and where are are going are fundamental questions that we struggle with as a species and universal themes make film powerful .

This idea that only people who are "great" have lived great lives is an insecurity we all feel and think about , the notion that everyone can find fulfillment and truth is powerful and something we can all unite behind . These ideas are presented clearly and well in a way almost anyone of any age can relate to.

The animation was good, there were some really funny parts , some pop culture references that were amazingly creative .

My main beef comes in with the lack of connection I felt to the characters , they were perfectly likable but I never really found myself cheering for them the way I wanted to . Parts of the plot are unnecessary and over complicated and I probably would not watch this movie again as much as I can recognize that it was well done - it wasn't as entertaining as it needed and not quite artistic enough to make up the difference .

I think everyone will like this film and many will love it - satisfactory movie and use of time .

IT145.com E-mail:sddin#qq.com