電影《靈魂急轉彎》影評:I’m going to live every minute of it #spoiled#
靈魂急轉彎影評「我的夢想是什麼」 「要怎麼做才能釋懷過往的遺憾」 這是今年正式踏入社會工作後 一直煩惱我的問題。
父親對我說:「不要想這麼多,過去的就過去了,不愧對於當下每一天就好」。朋友對我說「遺憾沒辦法釋懷,只能靠時間淡化」;「從遺憾中獲得新生」;「釋懷也是一種成長 在未來遇見同樣的事情裡要勇敢」;「接納自己就好 人就是在不同時期與自己和解」;「第一喜歡的做興趣 第二喜歡的當職業」。
「What happens next?」 影片中Joe在實現夢想後,他問了這麼一個問題。我也問過自己同樣的問題:畢業後的我,what is next?找到工作的我,whats next?then covid hit, whats next?
我也和主人公一樣afraid if I die today that my life would’ve mounted to nothing.
2020 sucks, for everyone, and so damn for me. Though I can still get lost sometimes, still feel emotional sometimes, im grateful to have those bad days in the past. Not just cuz everything prob happened for a reason, but yeah everything I’ve been through made who I am today.
BUTfrom now on, tryna make sense of lose change, tryna appreciate whatever I have, gonna live every minute of my life, gonna tell myself and others:
is okay to be not okay, and is okay to be pretty damn ordinary.
Cheers everyone, merry Xmas & happy new year