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電影《青春未知數》影評:Love is complicated


Love is complicated. Love is trying, failing, and still keeps going. "Have you ever loved someone that you don't change anything about her?" love is not pretending--pretending to be someone who you would love... Love is the feeling of being understood, Love is the longing of being found. When you were young, love seems to be so simple. You love her because she is pretty and she is kind. You want to hang out, maybe at a restaurant eating pizza, drinking coke, or just dumping fries in the milkshake. Later on, you realize that love is not that simple. It brings you joy and brings you pain. Then you find love everywhere. Love has so many forms. Love is watching TV and eating dinner with your dad. Love is helping your friend chasing his dream girl. Love is watching the most pretty lady in the school laughing so loud in the theater but also finding her so cute. Love is sacrificing. love is being bold. Love is facing your true self even the world is against you. Love doesn't promise you a happy ending. You learned how to love by trying and failing. Love is beautiful but horrible. Hopefully, you become a better self after love, or at lease love made you know how to love.

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