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電影《青春未知數》影評:The Half of it


上線第三天就看了,以下是當時自己收藏沒完整發布的台詞精選: "Love is simply the name for the desire and pursuit of the whole." Plato, The symposium It is said that when one half finds its other… there's an unspoken understanding. A unity. And each would know no greater joy… than this. that's your boldest stroke. And thus was abstract art born. And transformed. Or not. Everything beautifulis ruined eventually. World's asleep More room for thoughts. You're not just a girl. Also… Not just a girl. Gravity is matter's response to loneliness. She said every song, movie, story… has a best part. That was it. I hope you find something good to believe in. "Hell is other people. " Sartre No, you don't… see her. Who she is, Cloud be. Her. Have you ever loved someone so much… you don't want anything about her… to change? I always thought that there was one way to love. one right way. But there are more. so many more than I know. And… I never want to be the guy who stops loving someone… for loving the way that they want to love. Love isn't patient and kind and humble. Love is messy. And horrible and selfish and…bold. It's not finding your perfect half. It's… the trying… and… reaching and… failing. Love is… being willing to ruin your good painting… for the chance at a great one. Is this really the boldest stroke you can make? "Love is messy and horrible and selfish …and bold. " Ellie Chu If things were different. Or I was different. You could never be different. Am I sure I'm different? How do I know I'm sure? I can be sure.

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