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電影《花都教主柯蕾特》影評:A clear female voice presumed in the shape of androgyne


「The ideal is to be authentic but larger than life. To present a Personality with a capital P."

「She walks she talks she even thinks.」 Colette太酷了!kk也太適合這個角色了!尤其穿褲裝亮相之後,整個人開掛,個人意識覺醒,從最開始「我不需要在世界上留下痕跡」到抗爭要求要求署名權(「The hand that holds the pen writes the history.」)並且不顧反對投奔舞台。啞劇那段太精彩了!

「I will continue to pursue this because I want to, and if Paris won’t have me, then so be it. I’ll go elsewhere to make a living.」

kk真的演太好了,最開始不諳世事純粹熱情的鄉下姑娘,不顧一切為了愛一頭扎進巴黎的花花世界,逐漸成長為擁有自己獨立的聲音的精彩的完整的人,找Willy對峙兩分鐘獨白真的breathtakingly good,我跪著看。無數個年輕的presumptuous的女孩爭先恐後地模仿她,稱自己是Claudine,而她才是唯一的真正的Claudine,她用這段獨白親手殺死了書裡的Claudine,宣示了Colette的新生。其實這個感覺特別像Dreamgirls裡的Listen,」I followed the voice you think you gave to me, but now I’m gonna find my own.」真的好酷!結尾鏡頭我整個人都要燃起來了!

Missy太迷人了,」polite yet direct, reserved yet brave, a true gentle man.」 他跟Colette真是配一臉!!

配樂也太棒了!!對我來說最大的彩蛋就是居然又聽到Down by the Salley Garden!兒童法案之後這首詩/歌真的是我的淚點了,而且兩部電影裡都很適合!

不過Eleanor Tomlinson帶著英國口音的美國南方腔我覺得真的布星…


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