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What else could I like about her?

I don't know.

How her eyes look right into yours.

How...she twirls her hair when she's reading.

How...her laugh...busts out like she can't help herself

and she stops being so perfect

for just a few moments.

She has at least five different voices.

How you could live in an ocean of her thoughts and...

feel like she knows,

like really knows...

If love isn't the effort you put in...then...what is it?

Gravity is matter's response to loneliness.

My mom loved this song.

She said every song, movie, story...

has a best part.

Was that it?

Are you asking or saying?

That was it.

Have you ever loved someone so much...

you don't want anything about her...

to change?

Love isn't patient and kind and humble.

Love is...

Love is...

Love is messy.

And horrible and selfish and...


It's not finding your perfect half.


the trying...


reaching and...


Love is...

being willing to ruin

your good painting...

for the chance at a great one.

Is this really the boldest stroke

you can make?

For what it's worth...

it's not like the thought

never crossed my mind.

You know...

if things were different.

Or I was different.

I'm like a lot of people.

Which makes me kind of no one.

The good thing about being different

is that no one expects you

to be like them.

Doesn't everyone

think they're different, but...

pretty much we're all different

in the same way?

"I've been thinking about what you said

about seeing and not seeing."

"I had a painting teacher

once tell me that

the difference between a good painting

and a great painting...

is typically five strokes.

And they're usually

the five boldest strokes in the painting.

The question, of course...

is which five strokes?"

"I get it. After one's slaved away

at making a pretty good painting,

the last thing you'd want to do

is make a bold stroke and potentially..."

"Ruin everything.

"Everything beautiful

is ruined eventually.

Maybe that's the thing.

If you do ruin your painting...

you gotta know

you have everything in you

to get to that

pretty good painting again."

"But if you never

do the bold stroke..."

"You'll never know

if you could've had a great painting."

IT145.com E-mail:sddin#qq.com