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略去了:1、伍導喜歡的食物美味(eg熱狗,奶酪蘸薯條)2、相關製作人員、演職人員的致謝 3、我不太認識的人物 4、單純提及電影場景 5、我沒看懂的


8:08 "Note that one crazy bird that you occasionally hear. We put that bird subtly everywhere. SOUND DESIGN"——鳥鳴聲。#SOUND DESIGN #DETAIL

8:11"Remains of the Day truly is one of my favorite books. If you haven't read it, please do!"——《Remains of the Day(長日留痕)》是伍導最喜歡的書之一。#導演內心時刻

引用《長日留痕》原文的台詞「所有那些幾乎無法抑制的渴望(All that barely repressed longing)」

&這裡想引用一下豆瓣友鄰@法外之徒的部分短評「 從「面子」中世俗到極致的煙火氣蛻變為「另一半」里文藝青年「去世俗化」的內心世界 只有濃厚理想主義氣息和似曾相識的自動售賣機與教堂騷亂片段能窺見伍思薇的作者性 少女你來我往的傾訴話語滲透進每一寸空氣的同時 文學宗教不僅僅代替了前作的童年記憶與傳統文化 扮演或推進情感或阻礙關係發展的「麥格芬」 而是形成了與同性亞文化的共謀:一個曾經充當他者替身的人大膽去愛 最終成了一個不可替代的人 這也是為什麼寫出「別讓我走」和「長日留痕」的石黑一雄會被多次提及 」

8:12 「The look Ellie gives Paul after "She's like all three"is one of my favorite moments in the film」——下一句台詞"Thanks your clarifying"#FACIAL EXPRESSION #DETAIL

8:24"Notice that Aster is sketching in background is charcoal similar to Plato's Symposium beings from the beginning!"#DETAIL#前後呼應

8:32 "What are your views on women in the workplace""Does Aster like lean meats?"#哈哈哈哈

8:39"I lvoe this moment when they are riding/running together and Paul is talking, and Ellie is just listening.."#LOVEIT!!

8:39"And this moment between the girls texting reminds me of high school longing. Or even adult longing"#伍導內心時刻

8:42"I lvoe all the different shades of rain in this film."#SOUND DESIGN #DETAIL

8:43 "This is a very famous movie in India called "Ek Villain." I wanted to subtly nod to the fact that classic movies can extend beyond the western canon"#FACT

8:44"That is the sound of real Northwestern tree forgs. They are everywhere in this movie. Sound Design!"#SOUND DESIGN #DETAIL

8:46"Honestly, talking intelligently about immigration IS a turn on for me."#伍導內心時刻

8:49 "Not that Aster's host messenger handle if DiegaRivero as a play on Diego Rivera"#DETAIL

8:51"Gordon Lightfoot. God I love him.""Notice how the Gordon Lightfoot transitions from "diner music" to "score" at this point."#伍導內心時刻#SOUND DESIGN #DETAIL

8:53 This moment between these two yo yo's where he tries to teach her "the look" is so delightful.#FACIAL EXPRESSION #DETAIL#哈哈哈哈

&引用@kriseno的回復:「There are sooo many hilarious moments... often following or preceded by heart-wrenching ones. making each more poignant, like putting light and darkness next to each other.」

9:00 "I love how the applause goes to tree forgs."#SOUND DESIGN #DETAIL

9:01 "Discerning eyes have picked up that Math Class Girl is a bit baby-dykish"#DETAIL

&引用Raquel@raquelestevesli的回復「She is literally said:"I like your nails" as an introduction」

9:01 "Drinkers of Catan. Can we make this a thing? Please let us make this a thing. I have started writing rules."——#FACT,卡坦島喝酒遊戲

9:05 "Notice that her jacket is "half" on. There is a lot of twinning, and triangles, and "halves" in this film...(From dialogue to production design."#DETAIL#呼應

9:11""No it's not. It's lonely."is one of the most important moments in the film to me."#伍導內心時刻#主題

9:14"I actually can't remember who said "Gravity is matter's response to loneliness." I had it scrawled in an old notebook, but when I look online I can't find a source."#伍導內心時刻

&引用Adrian Acu@AdrianAcu的回復「I first heard that phrase on the last episode of the cartoon Exosquad:"Gravity is the response that matter makes to the loneliness of space. It's love, you see, the love that moves the stars."」

9:12"I actually AM a russian doll of clothing. The running joke amongst my friends is that if you strip off my t shirt and jeans, it's just another layer of tshirt and jeans."#伍導內心時刻

9:16"Joan Chen makes me want to pursue my true dream too."#伍導內心時刻

9:21 "This scen always breaks my heart. But it's also a major reason I made this movie. We spend the whole film falling in love with Paul, and then he breaks our heart. But I think that's life. Good people can still have attitudes that hurt us."#伍導內心時刻#主題#LOVEIT!!#FEELINGS

&引用portrait of a Megan on fire@IncompLentils的回復:「This scene is perfectly done. Also I love the way the actor played it, because (as someone who grew up Christian and turned out queer) I can hear him struggling as he says what he's always believed ,what he's been taught, and tries to reconcile that with this real person he loves.」

9:25 "This scene between these two men who both feel like they don't know how to speak "good". And yet end up connecting in this gentle, profound way that changes both of them. It always slays me."#伍導內心時刻#FEELINGS

&引用@hizziesunshine的回復「「Have you loved someone so much that you don't want anything about her to change?」 What a scene」

9:32 "This is so Chinese. No one says "I love you" we all just do things, like cook or sacrifice for each other. I love this scene between the dad and daughter."#伍導內心時刻#主題

9:38「And just like someone good can have attitude that break your heart, it also gives them the room to reach outside themelves for you. That's why the church scene and this scene make me cry. Because Paul pushes himself to confront his beliefs for Ellie.」#伍導內心時刻#主題

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