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This movie would be easily turned into a political piece. But I am thankful that it's not. I love Fern. She's so together, she's so sure about who she is and what she wants. She's a free soul.

Share some lines that touched my heart.


FERN: I got this storage storage stores, one set in te front, so I could get in them from inside, and then another from the outside. LINDA MAY: Very Smart FERN: I thought so!

FERN: You remember anything we worked on? MACKENZIE: Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow/ And all our yeasterdays have lighted fools/ The way to dusty death/ Out,out, brief candle! FERN: That's really good. MACKENZIE: My mom said you're homeless. Is that true? FERN: No, I'm not homeless, I'm houseless. Not the same thing, right? MACKENZIE: No

FERN:When it got real bad at the end, they had him in the hospital with the morphine drips. I would sit there at night and I would want to put my thumb down on that morphine drip just a little longer... so I could let him go. Maybe I should’ve tried harder, you know, so he could’ve have gone sooner without all that pain... SWANKIE: Maybe he didn’t want that. Maybe he was trying to stay with you for as long as he could. I’m sure you took good care of him, Fern. FERN: I did.

DOLLY: I’ve never said this to you before. Maybe I should have... You’ve always been the eccentric one growing up. People thought you were weird, but really, you were just braver and more honest than any of us. You can see me, when I try to hide from everyone. Sometimes you see me before I see myself. I needed you in my life... And you’re my sister. I would’ve loved to have you around all these years. You left a big hole by leaving. FERN: That one's on me.

FERN: How about one I used for my wedding vows when I was not much older than you? DEREK: Right on. Mind if I hear it? FERN: Aright. Lets see if I can remember it... ’Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate/ Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May/ And summer’s lease hath all too short a date/ Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines.


BRAD: Stars blow up and they shoot plasma and atoms out into space. They sometimes land on earth, nourish the soil and become part of you. So hold out your right hand... The group all hold out their hands. ...and look at a star. Because there are atoms from stars that blew up eons ago that landed on this planet and now they’re in your hand.

BOB WELLS: I can relate... I rarely talk about my son, but he took his own life five years ago... Like you, I think I’ve made up my mind that I’m going to be his rememberer. I carry him everywhere I go. I realized I could honor him by helping people. It gives me a reason to go through the day. Some days thats all I’ve got. They share an understanding smile. Out here there’s a lot of people our age carrying grief and loss with them. Most of them don’t get over it, and that’s OK. That’s OK. One of the things I love most about this life is that there’s no final goodbye. I’ve met hundreds of people out here and we don’t ever say a final goodbye. We just say ‘I’ll see you down the road’. And I do. Whether it’s a month or a year or sometimes years, I see them again. I can look down the road and I feel certain in my heart that I’ll see my son again. You’ll see Beau again and you can remember your life together then.

MERLE: I worked for corporate America for twenty years. My friend Bill worked for the same company and he had liver failure. A week before he was about to retire, HR called him, in hospice, and said ‘let’s talk about your retirement!’ He died ten days later... having never taken that sailboat he bought out of his driveway. He missed out on everything. He told me before he died ‘just don’t waste any time, Merle. Don’t waste any time.’ So I retired as soon as I could. I didn’t want my sailboat to be in my driveway when I died. And it’s not. My sailboat is out here in the desert.

SWANKIE : I’m gonna be seventy-five this year and I think I’ve had a pretty good life. I’ve seen some really neat things kayaking all over the country... A moose family on a river in Idaho. Big white pelicans landing just six feet over my kayak on a lake in Colorado. Or... coming round a bend of a cliff and finding hundreds and hundreds of swallow nests on the wall of the cliff. And the swallows flying all around, reflecting in the water so it looks like I’m flying with the swallows. And little babies are hatching out. Egg shells are falling out of the nest and landing on the water right next to me, these little white shells. And... it was just so awesome, Fern! I felt I had done enough. My life was complete. I felt like if I were to die right then, it would be OK. How many people can say that?

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