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電影《兔嘲男孩》影評:A Little Boy Find His Heart


Although the movie gives some words in the end. It's like this, "let everything happen to you, beauty and terror, just keep going, no feeling is final". But I'm more inclined to believe that this movie tell a story that a little boy find the real world and the real life. He has lucky living with and meeting so kind people. Otherwise he would be a a real little Nazi. It's a conventional way to educate children to be a successor to continue something. This is the worth of the education. And it's why every country spend so much energy on it. But when it becomes the tool to hurt human ourselves, it's also useful. But it's so terrible for ourselves. The naivety of the children is fully expressed in this movie.They could be cheated easily. Because they will believe something when they feel that funny. It's fortunate that Jojo choose to be a kind man in the fight between good and evil in his naive mind. So why it is? Everyone maybe know it……

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