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"Jojo Rabbit"derails when its premise wears off and you start to wonder what it all means. A kid talks to Hitler and realizes Jews can dance—and there’s some tragedy along the way. That's it? I kept waiting for 「Jojo Rabbit」 to become more than a wink-wink, nudge-nudge joke, and when it does try to get emotional in the final act, including a tone-deaf ending for a Nazi character played by Sam Rockwell, Waititi can’t navigate some very tricky tonal waters. Without giving anything away, the final scenes of 「Jojo Rabbit」 are too easy for a film that needs to be dangerous and daring. A film that starts as audaciousbecomes relatively generic as it goes along, and even its one shocking turn ends up feeling manipulative. If the premise is risky, the execution is depressingly not so.

IT145.com E-mail:sddin#qq.com