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《愛x死x機器人》:參差不齊 Zima佳作


私以為Zima Blue是全季最好的作品,單獨拿出來做橫向比較也不輸,其他的基本乏善可陳,所以也給不出更高的分數了。




Zima Blue, the manufacturer called it.The first thing I ever saw. This was where I begin. A crude little machine with barely enough intelligence to steer itself. But it was my world. It was all I knew, all I needed to know.

I will immerse myself. And as I do, I will slowly shut down my higher brain functions unmaking myself leaving just enough to appreciate my surroundings to extract some simple pleasure from the execution of a task well done. My search for truth is finished at last. I'm going home.

IT145.com E-mail:sddin#qq.com