2021-05-12 14:32:11
最近完成了研究生畢業設計,在寫畢業論文時,老師曾經推薦使用程式碼來畫相關的圖,當時時間有些緊,所以沒有這樣做。最近在看 rapidjson 的文件,看到 miloyip 文件中的圖都是用 dot
檔案的原始碼編譯出來的,一查,原來是 graphviz 的原始碼。遂用了半天簡單學習了下 graphviz
是一個運用廣泛的命令列繪圖軟體,不過說是繪圖軟體,它能繪的圖並不是一般人想像中的漫畫或logo,而是數學意義上的 graph
graphviz 支援 Windows、Mac OS X、FreeBSD、Solaris、Linux 等多種系統
sudo apt-get install graphviz
Mac下使用 brew
brew install graphviz
Windows 下參考 http://www.graphviz.org/Download_windows.php
1. 編寫以 dot
// hello.dot digraph {
hello -> world;
2. 使用 dot
dot hello.dot -T png -o hello.png
<cmd> <inputfile> -T <format> -o <outputfile>
其中graphviz 的 <cmd>
有好幾種,每種使用方法都完全相同,差別只在於渲染出來的圖片效果不一樣。 man
<cmd> | 介紹 |
dot | 渲染的圖具有明確方向性。 |
neato | 渲染的圖缺乏方向性。 |
twopi | 渲染的圖採用放射性布局。 |
circo | 渲染的圖採用環型布局。 |
fdp | 渲染的圖缺乏方向性。 |
sfdp | 渲染大型的圖,圖片缺乏方向性。 |
可以透過 man <cmd>
取得進一步說明。但還是親自用用比較容易理解。在本文中,凡沒有說明的圖,預設都是以 dot
3. 檢視效果
graph = [strict] (digraph | graph) id ’{’ stmt-list ’}’
stmt-list = [stmt [’;’] [stmt-list ] ]
stmt = attr-stmt | node-stmt | edge-stmt | subgraph | id ’=’ id
attr-stmt = (graph | node | edge) attr-list
attr-list = ’[’ [a-list ] ’]’ [attr-list]
a-list = id ’=’ id [’,’] [a-list]
node-stmt = node-id [attr-list]
node-id = id [port]
port = port-location [port-angle] | port-angle [port-location]
port-location = ’:’ id|’:’ ’(’id’,’id’)’
port-angle = ’@’ id
edge-stmt = (node-id | subgraph) edgeRHS [attr-list]
edgeRHS = edgeop (node-id | subgraph) [edgeRHS]
subgraph = [subgraph id] ’{’ stmt-list ’}’ | subgraph id
graphviz 有兩種圖,一種是無向圖 graph
,邊用 --
連線,一種是有向圖 digraph
,邊用 ->
節點屬性如下 :
Name | Default | Values |
color | black | node shape color |
comment | any string (format-dependent) | |
distortion | 0.0 | node distortion for shape=polygon |
fillcolor | lightgrey/black | node fill color |
fixedsize | false | label text has no affect on node size |
fontcolor | black | type face color |
fontname | Times-Roman | font family |
fontsize | 14 | point size of label |
group | name of node’s group | |
height | .5 | height in inches |
label | node name | any string |
layer | overlay range | all, id or id:id |
orientation | 0.0 | node rotation angle |
peripheries | shape-dependent | number of node boundaries |
regular | false | force polygon to be regular |
shape | ellipse | node shape; see Section 2.1 and Appendix E |
shapefile | external EPSF or SVG custom shape file | |
sides | 4 | number of sides for shape=polygon |
skew | 0.0 | skewing of node for shape=polygon |
style | graphics options, e.g. bold, dotted, filled; cf. Section 2.3 | |
URL | URL associated with node (format-dependent) | |
width | .75 | width in inches |
z | 0.0 | z coordinate for VRML output |
Name | Default | Values |
arrowhead | normal | style of arrowhead at head end |
arrowsize | 1.0 | scaling factor for arrowheads |
arrowtail | normal | style of arrowhead at tail end |
color | black | edge stroke color |
comment | any string (format-dependent) | |
constraint | true | use edge to affect node ranking |
decorate | if set, draws a line connecting labels with their edges | |
dir | forward | forward, back, both, or none |
fontcolor | black | type face color |
fontname | Times-Roman | font family |
fontsize | 14 | point size of label |
headlabel | label placed near head of edge | |
headport | n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw | |
headURL | URL attached to head label if output format is ismap | |
label | edge label | |
labelangle | -25.0 | angle in degrees which head or tail label is rotated off edge |
labeldistance | 1.0 | scaling factor for distance of head or tail label from node |
labelfloat | false | lessen constraints on edge label placement |
labelfontcolor | black | type face color for head and tail labels |
labelfontname | Times-Roman | font family for head and tail labels |
labelfontsize | 14 | point size for head and tail labels |
layer | overlay range | all, id or id:id |
lhead | name of cluster to use as head of edge | |
ltail | name of cluster to use as tail of edge | |
minlen | 1 | minimum rank distance between head and tail |
samehead | tag for head node; edge heads with the same tag are | |
sametail | merged onto the same port | |
style | tag for tail node; edge tails with the same tag are merged onto the same port | |
taillabel | graphics options, e.g. bold, dotted, filled; cf. Section 2.3 | |
tailport | label placed near tail of edge n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw | |
tailURL | URL attached to tail label if output format is ismap | |
weight | 1 | integer cost of stretching an edge |
Name | Default | Values |
bgcolor | background color for drawing, plus initial fill color | |
center | false | center drawing on page |
clusterrank | local | may be global or none |
color | black | for clusters, outline color, and fill color if fillcolor not defined |
comment | any string (format-dependent) | |
compound | false | allow edges between clusters |
concentrate | false | enables edge concentrators |
fillcolor | black | cluster fill color |
fontcolor | black | type face color |
fontname | Times-Roman | font family |
fontpath | list of directories to search for fonts | |
fontsize | 14 | point size of label |
label | any string | |
labeljust | centered | ”l” and ”r” for left- and right-justified cluster labels, respectively |
labelloc | top | ”t” and ”b” for top- and bottom-justified cluster labels, respectively |
layers | id:id:id… | |
margin | .5 | margin included in page, inches |
mclimit | 1.0 | scale factor for mincross iterations |
nodesep | .25 | separation between nodes, in inches. |
nslimit | if set to f, bounds network simplex iterations by (f)(number of nodes) when setting x-coordinates | |
nslimit1 | if set to f, bounds network simplex iterations by (f)(number of nodes) when ranking nodes | |
ordering | if out out edge order is preserved | |
orientation | portrait | if rotate is not used and the value is landscape, use landscape orientation |
page | unit of pagination, e.g. “8.5,11” | |
pagedir | BL | traversal order of pages |
quantum | if quantum ¿ 0.0, node label dimensions will be rounded to integral multiples of quantum | |
rank | same, min, max, source or sink | |
rankdir | TB | LR (left to right) or TB (top to bottom) |
ranksep | .75 | separation between ranks, in inches. |
ratio | approximate aspect ratio desired, fill or auto | |
remincross | if true and there are multiple clusters, re-run crossing minimization | |
rotate | If 90, set orientation to landscape | |
samplepoints | 8 | number of points used to represent ellipses and circles on output (cf. Appendix C |
searchsize | 30 | maximum edges with negative cut values to check when looking for a minimum one during network simplex |
size | maximum drawing size, in inches | |
style | graphics options, e.g. filled for clusters | |
URL | URL associated with graph (format-dependent) |
digraph g {
node [shape = record,height=.1];
node0[label = "<f0> |<f1> G|<f2> "];
node1[label = "<f0> |<f1> E|<f2> "];
node2[label = "<f0> |<f1> B|<f2> "];
node3[label = "<f0> |<f1> F|<f2> "];
node4[label = "<f0> |<f1> R|<f2> "];
node5[label = "<f0> |<f1> H|<f2> "];
node6[label = "<f0> |<f1> Y|<f2> "];
node7[label = "<f0> |<f1> A|<f2> "];
node8[label = "<f0> |<f1> C|<f2> "];
"node0":f2 -> "node4":f1;
"node0":f0 -> "node1":f1;
"node1":f0 -> "node2":f1;
"node1":f2 -> "node3":f1;
"node2":f2 -> "node8":f1;
"node2":f0 -> "node7":f1;
"node4":f2 -> "node6":f1;
"node4":f0 -> "node5":f1;
除了可以使用 dot
pip install pygraphviz
參照 PyGraphviz
import pygraphviz as pgv
G.add_node('a') # adds node 'a'
G.add_edge('b','c') # adds edge 'b'-'c' (and also nodes 'b', 'c')
G.graph_attr['label']='test graphf'
G.layout() # default to neato
G.layout(prog='dot') # use do
G.draw('file.png') # write previously positioned graph to PNG file
G.draw('file.ps',prog='circo') # use circo to position, write PS file
- dotguide
- Graphviz的使用及中文亂碼問題解決 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2016-05/131050.htm
- rapidjson
- PyGraphviz tutorial