2021-05-12 14:32:11
效能測試之OVN vs (ML2+OVS)
我們已經對OVN做了許多次的效能測試,但是缺少一個OVN和(ML2+OVS)的效能對比測試。我和許多人一起對比了這2種後端。本文是第一部分:控制平面的效能對比。 後面會另外發文公布資料平面的效能對比結果。
ML2+OVS 控制平面是基於Openstack 的。首先有大量由Python編寫的agents 。 Neutron server與這些agents互動式使用基於AMQP的RPC機制(本文的案例用到了最廣泛使用的RabbitMQ)。
OVN 的控制平面使用了分散式資料庫驅動的方式. 設定和狀態由這2個資料庫管理: OVN northbound 和 southbound databases。這2個資料庫都基於OVSDB。與通過RPC接收更新的方式不同, OVN中的元件監控資料庫中相關表項的變化並將最新的表項應用於本地。這些元件的詳細資訊可以閱讀the first release of OVN 和 ovn-architecture document 。
OVN 沒有使用任何的Neutron agents。相反,所有功能都由ovn-controller 和 OVS 流實現。比如security groups, DHCP, L3 routing和 NAT功能等。
- 1 個OpenStack TripleO Undercloud for provisioning
- 3 個Controllers (OpenStack and OVN control plane services)
- 9 個Compute Nodes (Hypervisors)
- 2x E5-2620 v2 (12 total cores, 24 total threads)
- 64GB RAM
- 4 x 1TB SATA
- 1 x Intel X520 Dual Port 10G
- CentOS 7.2
- OpenStack, OVS, and OVN from their master branches (early December, 2016)
Neutron configuration notes
- (OVN) 6 API workers, 1 RPC worker (since rpc is not used and neutron requires at least 1) for neutron-server on each controller (x3)
- (ML2+OVS) 6 API workers, 6 RPC workers for neutron-server on each controller (x3)
(ML2+OVS) DVR was enabled
效能測試工具為 OpenStack Rally 。 我們使用 Browbeat 進行快速的安裝、設定、執行測試、儲存分析和結果對比。
Browbeat 中的Rally引數為:
rerun: 3
enabled: true
sleep_before: 5
sleep_after: 5
venv: /home/stack/rally-venv/bin/activate
- netcreate-boot: rally/rally-plugins/netcreate-boot
- subnet-router-create: rally/rally-plugins/subnet-router-create
- neutron-securitygroup-port: rally/rally-plugins/neutron-securitygroup-port
- name: neutron
enabled: true
- 8
- 16
- 32
times: 500
- name: create-list-network
enabled: true
file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-list-network-cc.yml
- name: create-list-port
enabled: true
file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-list-port-cc.yml
- name: create-list-router
enabled: true
file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-list-router-cc.yml
- name: create-list-security-group
enabled: true
file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-list-security-group-cc.yml
- name: create-list-subnet
enabled: true
file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-list-subnet-cc.yml
- name: plugins
enabled: true
- 8
- 16
- 32
times: 500
- name: netcreate-boot
enabled: true
image_name: cirros
flavor_name: m1.xtiny
file: rally/rally-plugins/netcreate-boot/netcreate_boot.yml
- name: subnet-router-create
enabled: true
num_networks: 10
file: rally/rally-plugins/subnet-router-create/subnet-router-create.yml
- name: neutron-securitygroup-port
enabled: true
file: rally/rally-plugins/neutron-securitygroup-port/neutron-securitygroup-port.yml
上述設定定義了幾種執行場景。在3個不同的並行級別下,分別執行500次。最後,開頭的"rerun: 3"意味著我們要將整個設定再執行3遍。是不是被繞暈啦, 那我們拿個例子看一下 :
"netcreate-boot" 場景是建立一個網路,並在這個網路上啟動一個虛擬機器。這個場景會按下面這樣多次執行:
Run 1
- Create 500 VMs, each on their own network, 8 at a time, and then clean up
- Create 500 VMs, each on their own network, 16 at a time, and then clean up
- Create 500 VMs, each on their own network, 32 at a time, and then clean up
Run 2
- Create 500 VMs, each on their own network, 8 at a time, and then clean up
- Create 500 VMs, each on their own network, 16 at a time, and then clean up
- Create 500 VMs, each on their own network, 32 at a time, and then clean up
Run 3
- Create 500 VMs, each on their own network, 8 at a time, and then clean up
- Create 500 VMs, each on their own network, 16 at a time, and then clean up
- Create 500 VMs, each on their own network, 32 at a time, and then clean up
總共會建立4500 個虛擬機器。
Browbeat 能夠儲存 rally 生成的測試結果。這些測試結果可以用elastic 進行查詢,用Kibana顯示在網頁上。
接下來的幾個表格分別展示 average times, 95th percentile, Maximum, 和 minimum times 下的 API執行效能
ML2+OVS Average |
OVN Average |
% improvement |
nova.boot_server |
80.672 |
23.45 |
70.93% |
neutron.list_ports |
6.296 |
6.478 |
-2.89% |
neutron.list_subnets |
5.129 |
3.826 |
25.40% |
neutron.add_interface_router |
4.156 |
3.509 |
15.57% |
neutron.list_routers |
4.292 |
3.089 |
28.03% |
neutron.list_networks |
2.596 |
2.628 |
-1.23% |
neutron.list_security_groups |
2.518 |
2.518 |
0.00% |
neutron.remove_interface_router |
3.679 |
2.353 |
36.04% |
neutron.create_port |
2.096 |
2.136 |
-1.91% |
neutron.create_subnet |
1.775 |
1.543 |
13.07% |
neutron.delete_port |
1.592 |
1.517 |
4.71% |
neutron.create_security_group |
1.287 |
1.372 |
-6.60% |
neutron.create_network |
1.352 |
1.285 |
4.96% |
neutron.create_router |
1.181 |
0.845 |
28.45% |
neutron.delete_security_group |
0.763 |
0.793 |
-3.93% |
ML2+OVS 95% |
OVN 95% |
% improvement |
nova.boot_server |
163.2 |
35.336 |
78.35% |
neutron.list_ports |
11.038 |
11.401 |
-3.29% |
neutron.list_subnets |
10.064 |
6.886 |
31.58% |
neutron.add_interface_router |
7.908 |
6.367 |
19.49% |
neutron.list_routers |
8.374 |
5.321 |
36.46% |
neutron.list_networks |
5.343 |
5.171 |
3.22% |
neutron.list_security_groups |
5.648 |
5.556 |
1.63% |
neutron.remove_interface_router |
6.917 |
4.078 |
41.04% |
neutron.create_port |
5.521 |
4.968 |
10.02% |
neutron.create_subnet |
4.041 |
3.091 |
23.51% |
neutron.delete_port |
2.865 |
2.598 |
9.32% |
neutron.create_security_group |
3.245 |
3.547 |
-9.31% |
neutron.create_network |
3.089 |
2.917 |
5.57% |
neutron.create_router |
2.893 |
1.92 |
33.63% |
neutron.delete_security_group |
1.776 |
1.72 |
3.15% |
ML2+OVS Maximum |
OVN Maximum |
% improvement |
nova.boot_server |
221.877 |
47.827 |
78.44% |
neutron.list_ports |
29.233 |
32.279 |
-10.42% |
neutron.list_subnets |
35.996 |
17.54 |
51.27% |
neutron.add_interface_router |
29.591 |
22.951 |
22.44% |
neutron.list_routers |
19.332 |
13.975 |
27.71% |
neutron.list_networks |
12.516 |
13.765 |
-9.98% |
neutron.list_security_groups |
14.577 |
13.092 |
10.19% |
neutron.remove_interface_router |
35.546 |
9.391 |
73.58% |
neutron.create_port |
53.663 |
40.059 |
25.35% |
neutron.create_subnet |
46.058 |
26.472 |
42.52% |
neutron.delete_port |
5.121 |
5.149 |
-0.55% |
neutron.create_security_group |
14.243 |
13.206 |
7.28% |
neutron.create_network |
32.804 |
32.566 |
0.73% |
neutron.create_router |
14.594 |
6.452 |
55.79% |
neutron.delete_security_group |
4.249 |
3.746 |
11.84% |
ML2+OVS Minimum |
OVN Minimum |
% improvement |
nova.boot_server |
18.665 |
3.761 |
79.85% |
neutron.list_ports |
0.195 |
0.22 |
-12.82% |
neutron.list_subnets |
0.252 |
0.187 |
25.79% |
neutron.add_interface_router |
1.698 |
1.556 |
8.36% |
neutron.list_routers |
0.185 |
0.147 |
20.54% |
neutron.list_networks |
0.21 |
0.174 |
17.14% |
neutron.list_security_groups |
0.132 |
0.184 |
-39.39% |
neutron.remove_interface_router |
1.557 |
1.057 |
32.11% |
neutron.create_port |
0.58 |
0.614 |
-5.86% |
neutron.create_subnet |
0.42 |
0.416 |
0.95% |
neutron.delete_port |
0.464 |
0.46 |
0.86% |
neutron.create_security_group |
0.081 |
0.094 |
-16.05% |
neutron.create_network |
0.113 |
0.179 |
-58.41% |
neutron.create_router |
0.077 |
0.053 |
31.17% |
neutron.delete_security_group |
0.092 |
0.104 |
-13.04% |
當Nova 啟動一個虛擬機器時,得先等待Neutron發出的埠可用事件。收到這個事件後,虛擬機器才會被啟動,啟動完成時變為ACTIVE狀態。ML2+OVS 和OVN 都使用這個機制。我們的測試場景測量了虛擬機器變為ACTIVE狀態所花時間。
在未來的測試中,我們將把這個Nova和Neutron間的同步機制關閉,再來比較ML2+OVS 和OVN的測試結果。這將確認等待Neutron報告埠可用的過程中花費了額外的時間。
我要說明一點,你不應該關閉這個同步機制。關閉這個機制的唯一原因為:不是所有的Neutron後端都支援該同步機制(ML2+OVS and OVN都支援這個同步機制 )。實施同步機制後,就能避免出現競爭狀態。同時也保證在啟動虛擬機器之前,網路就是可用的。這個問題就是花費多長時間能讓Neutron提供可用的網路。 未來將分析Neutron (ML2+OVS)在提供網路功能的過程中,到底在哪裡花費了大部分的時間。