No reputation, no status, no happiness, no honor in the world is better than staying by her mother's side, even if she doesn't know a <em>word</em>—— Ji Xianlin 其实我们每个人的生活都是一个
2021-05-28 03:00:02
No reputation, no status, no happiness, no honor in the world is better than staying by her mother's side, even if she doesn't know a word—— Ji Xianlin
In fact, everyone's life is a world, even the most ordinary people have to fight for the world they live in—— Rotel
Today is more compassionate, wiser and happier than yesterday. This is success—— Lin Qingxuan
Optimists see opportunities in every crisis, pessimists see crises in every opportunity—— Churchill
Nothing is more convincing than time, because time can change everything without notice—— Yu Hua
See the world in a grain of sand, see the kingdom of heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in your palm, and it will be forever in a moment—— Feng Zikai
Self confidence is different from pride; Confident people are always calm, while proud people are always floating—— Liang Qichao
Don't forget the four rules. Don't say wrong, don't sleep wrong, don't step on the wrong threshold, don't touch the wrong pocket—— Yu Hua
Everyone strives for a perfect life. However, from ancient times to the present, at home and abroad, there is no perfect life. So I say, not perfect is life—— Ji Xianlin
The biggest "willfulness" of people is to do what they like regardless of everything. Only in this way can we say that my life is worth the trip—— Jia Pingwa
There are three basic mistakes that people can't make: one is that virtue is weak but position is respected; the other is that wisdom is small but strategy is big; the third is that strength is small but responsibility is heavy—— Nan Huaijin
To survive is to change, to change is to grow, to grow is to constantly innovate—— Henri Bergson
Some people think that persistence will make us stronger, but sometimes letting go will—— Hesse
Small sadness and small love have a long life, but great love and great sadness are destroyed by their own too rich and strong—— Wilde
No reputation, no status, no happiness, no honor in the world is better than staying by her mother's side, even if she doesn't know a <em>word</em>—— Ji Xianlin 其实我们每个人的生活都是一个
2021-05-28 03:00:02
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随着越来越多<em>iPhone</em>13的消息浮出水面,网上对<em>iPhone</em>13的介绍已经相当丰富,<em>iPhone</em>13真的像传闻说的十三香吗?我们把这些重要信息加以规整就知道啦。 #百度618超级好物节# <em>iPhone</em>13
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