2021-05-12 14:32:11
命令列中的 vi 模式
2020-06-16 16:36:53
以下資訊來自 bash 的 man 頁面:
$ man bash # ... Commands for Moving beginning-of-line (C-a) Move to the start of the current line. end-of-line (C-e) Move to the end of the line. forward-char (C-f) Move forward a character. backward-char (C-b) Move back a character. forward-word (M-f) Move forward to the end of the next word. Words are composed of alphanu- meric characters (letters and digits). backward-word (M-b) Move back to the start of the current or previous word. Words are composed of alphanumeric characters (letters and digits). clear-screen (C-l) Clear the screen leaving the current line at the top of the screen. With an argument, refresh the current line without clearing the screen. redraw-current-line Refresh the current line. # ...
可看到 bash 本身提供了一些有用的快捷鍵可在命令中快速導航,
- control + a 定位到行首(start)
- control + e 定位到行末(end)
- control + f 向前移動一個單詞(forward)
- control + b 向後移動一個單詞(back)
除了移動游標,還有一些編輯的快捷鍵,在 man 頁面中 Killing and Yanking 部分,
# ... Killing and Yanking kill-line (C-k) Kill the text from point to the end of the line. backward-kill-line (C-x Rubout) Kill backward to the beginning of the line. unix-line-discard (C-u) Kill backward from point to the beginning of the line. The killed text is saved on the kill-ring. kill-whole-line Kill all characters on the current line, no matter where point is. kill-word (M-d) Kill from point to the end of the current word, or if between words, to the end of the next word. Word boundaries are the same as those used by for- ward-word. backward-kill-word (M-Rubout) Kill the word behind point. Word boundaries are the same as those used by backward-word. unix-word-rubout (C-w) Kill the word behind point, using white space as a word boundary. The killed text is saved on the kill-ring. unix-filename-rubout Kill the word behind point, using white space and the slash character as the word boundaries. The killed text is saved on the kill-ring. delete-horizontal-space (M-) Delete all spaces and tabs around point. kill-region Kill the text in the current region. copy-region-as-kill Copy the text in the region to the kill buffer. copy-backward-word Copy the word before point to the kill buffer. The word boundaries are the same as backward-word. copy-forward-word Copy the word following point to the kill buffer. The word boundaries are the same as forward-word. yank (C-y) Yank the top of the kill ring into the buffer at point. yank-pop (M-y) Rotate the kill ring, and yank the new top. Only works following yank or yank-pop. # ...
- control + u 刪除當前游標位置到行首的內容,配合著 control + e 把游標定位到行末再使用該命令,可實現清空整行的效果
除了這些快捷鍵,其實命令列還有個 vi 模式,該模式下的表現和在 vi 編輯器裡一樣,對於 vi 使用者來說,進入這種模式後,編輯和修改命令就顯得十分得心應手了。
開啟 vi 模式
不同 shell 中開啟的命令不一樣,我比較偏好 fish,因為它的自動補全真的好用到無以復加。
執行 fish_vi_key_bindings
即可進入 vi 模式。
$ fish_vi_key_bindings
執行 fish_default_key_bindings
$ fish_default_key_bindings
命令列的 vi 模式演示
$ vi ~/.config/fish/config.fish # 其他程式碼 fish_vi_key_bindings
你可能需要一個可以在命令提示行中顯示當前 vi 狀態的主題。
推薦 fish 搭配 omf 使用 omf 中的主題。
fish 有預設的 vi 狀態展示,和主題很不搭配。
fish 預設的 vi 狀態展示
function fish_mode_prompt; end
修正 fish 中的自動補全
如果發現 vi 模式下, fish 的自動補全快捷鍵 control + f 不能用了,可在組態檔中新增如下指令碼來修復這個快捷鍵:
function fish_user_key_bindings for mode in insert default visual bind -M $mode cf forward-char end end