<em>Mac</em>Book项目 2009年学校开始实施<em>Mac</em>Book项目,所有师生配备一本<em>Mac</em>Book,并同步更新了校园无线网络。学校每周进行电脑技术更新,每月发送技术支持资料,极大改变了教学及学习方式。因此2011
2021-06-01 09:32:01
JFrame jf = new JFrame("飛機大戰"); //建立表單 jf.setSize(670,800); jf.setLocationRelativeTo(null); jf.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); jf.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); //佈局 //建立三個JPanel,左上為按鈕,左下為分數顯示 右為遊戲頁面 JPanel left = new JPanel(); JPanel leftUp = new JPanel(); //左上 JPanel leftDown = new JPanel(); //左下 game = new JPanel(); //遊戲顯示區 left.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(170,800)); left.setBackground(new Color(-3355444)); jf.add(left,BorderLayout.WEST); jf.add(game,BorderLayout.CENTER); game.requestFocus(); left.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); leftUp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(0,250)); leftUp.setBackground(new Color(-3355444)); left.add(leftUp,BorderLayout.NORTH); leftDown.setBackground(new Color(-6710887)); leftDown.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(0,550)); left.add(leftDown,BorderLayout.SOUTH);
public boolean judge_crash(FlyObject fo){ if(x+sizeX<fo.x || y+sizeY<fo.y || x > fo.x + fo.sizeX || y > fo.y+ fo.sizeY ){ return false; }else{ return true; } }
String fileName_0 = "src\plane2\z_img\img_bg_0.jpg"; //相對地址(和絕對地址區分開) BufferedImage bufferedImage; bufferedImage = ImageIO.read(new File(fileName_0)); //將檔案讀出記錄在bufferedImage中,記得丟擲異常 g.drawImage(bufferedImage,0,0,null); // 將bufferedImage中的內容畫在畫筆g對應的地方
img – the specified image to be drawn. This method does nothing if img is null. dx1 – the x coordinate of the first corner of the destination rectangle. dy1 – the y coordinate of the first corner of the destination rectangle. dx2 – the x coordinate of the second corner of the destination rectangle. dy2 – the y coordinate of the second corner of the destination rectangle. sx1 – the x coordinate of the first corner of the source rectangle. sy1 – the y coordinate of the first corner of the source rectangle. sx2 – the x coordinate of the second corner of the source rectangle. sy2 – the y coordinate of the second corner of the source rectangle. observer – object to be notified as more of the image is scaled and converted. public abstract boolean drawImage(Image img, int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, int dy2, int sx1, int sy1, int sx2, int sy2, ImageObserver observer);
比如說,我們的圖片高度為712個畫素點,我們在下一時刻,圖片向下移動了m個畫素點,那麼我們就將這張圖片的0 ~ 712-m 部分,繪製到遊戲介面的m ~ 712部分,
再將712-m ~ 712 部分繪製到遊戲介面的0 ~ m 部分;
接下來,我們就要確定 m 的值,這個就很簡單了,在繪製執行緒中,定義一個整數變數m ,每次繪製完 m++ 就可以了。(個人建議m+=2比較舒服)
/** * @author liTianLu * @Date 2022/5/21 23:33 * @purpose 繪製背景 * 提醒: 這裡我寫了四種地圖的繪製,後面在選擇地圖時會用到。 */ public class BackGround { Graphics g; BufferedImage bufferedImage_1; BufferedImage bufferedImage_2; BufferedImage bufferedImage_3; BufferedImage bufferedImage_4; int w; int h; String fileName_1 = "src\plane2\z_img\img_bg_1.jpg"; //地圖1 String fileName_2 = "src\plane2\z_img\img_bg_2.jpg"; //地圖2 String fileName_3 = "src\plane2\z_img\img_bg_3.jpg"; //地圖3 String fileName_4 = "src\plane2\z_img\img_bg_4.jpg"; //地圖4 public BackGround(Graphics g) throws IOException { this.g = g; bufferedImage_1 = ImageIO.read(new File(fileName_1)); bufferedImage_2 = ImageIO.read(new File(fileName_2)); bufferedImage_3 = ImageIO.read(new File(fileName_3)); bufferedImage_4 = ImageIO.read(new File(fileName_4)); w = bufferedImage_1.getWidth(); h = bufferedImage_1.getHeight(); } /** * i : 向下移動了i個畫素 * num : 用來控制繪製哪一個地圖 */ public void draw(int i , int num){ switch(num){ case 1 : g.drawImage(bufferedImage_1,0,i,w,i+h,0,0,w,h,null); g.drawImage(bufferedImage_1,0,0,w,i,0,h-i,w,h,null); break; case 2 : g.drawImage(bufferedImage_2,0,i,w,i+h,0,0,w,h,null); g.drawImage(bufferedImage_2,0,0,w,i,0,h-i,w,h,null); break; case 3 : g.drawImage(bufferedImage_3,0,i,w,i+h,0,0,w,h,null); g.drawImage(bufferedImage_3,0,0,w,i,0,h-i,w,h,null); break; case 4 : g.drawImage(bufferedImage_4,0,i,w,i+h,0,0,w,h,null); g.drawImage(bufferedImage_4,0,0,w,i,0,h-i,w,h,null); break; } } public int getH() { return h; } }
backGround.draw(m, player.mapNum); m = m+2; if(m>= backGround.getH()){ m = 0; }
//這裡僅使用了三張圖片來回切換,更多的圖片會有更好的效果 public void draw(int i){ //此處的i是用來控制顯示哪一張圖片的 int j = i%30; // 150ms換一張 if (j<10){ g.drawImage(plane_img,x,y,x+sizeX,y+sizeY,0,0,sizeX,sizeY,null); }else if(j<20) { g.drawImage(plane_img,x,y,x+sizeX,y+sizeY,0,sizeY,sizeX,2*sizeY,null); }else if(j<30){ g.drawImage(plane_img,x,y,x+sizeX,y+sizeY,288,0,424,112,null); } }
@Override //鍵盤按壓時,設定速度 public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { int c = e.getKeyCode(); if(DrawThread.myPlane!=null){ switch (c){ case 37: DrawThread.myPlane.setSpeedX(-speed); break; case 38: DrawThread.myPlane.setSpeedY(-speed); break; case 39: DrawThread.myPlane.setSpeedX(speed); break; case 40: DrawThread.myPlane.setSpeedY(speed); break; } } } @Override //鍵盤釋放時,速度設為0 public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { int c = e.getKeyCode(); switch (c){ case 37: case 39: DrawThread.myPlane.setSpeedX(0); break; case 38: case 40: DrawThread.myPlane.setSpeedY(0); break; } }
/** * @author liTianLu * @Date 2022/5/22 0:30 * @purpose 產生敵機的執行緒 */ @Override public void run() { int sleepTime = 800; while (true){ if(DrawThread.player.score>=500){ //當分數高於500時,加快敵機產生的頻率 sleepTime = 300; } EnemyPlane enemyPlane = null; try { enemyPlane = new EnemyPlane(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } enemyPlanes.add(enemyPlane); new Thread(new EnemyBulletThread(enemyPlane)).start(); //啟動一個發射子彈執行緒 try { sleep(sleepTime+ random.nextInt(300)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
public EnemyBulletThread(EnemyPlane enemyPlane){ this.enemyPlane = enemyPlane; } @Override public void run() { try { sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } while(enemyPlane.isAlive() ){ EnemyBullet enemyBullet = null; int enemyBullet_x = enemyPlane.getX()+25; int enemyBullet_y = enemyPlane.getY()+66; try { enemyBullet = new EnemyBullet(enemyBullet_x,enemyBullet_y); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } enemyBullets.add(enemyBullet); try { sleep(2000+ random.nextInt(2000)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
synchronized (MyPlane.myBulletList){ if(MyPlane.myBulletList.size()!=0){ for (int i = 0; i < MyPlane.myBulletList.size(); i++) { MyPlane.myBulletList.get(i).setY(MyPlane.myBulletList.get(i).getY()+MyPlane.myBulletList.get(i).getSpeedY() ); if(MyPlane.myBulletList.get(i).getY() <= -100){ MyPlane.myBulletList.remove(i); continue; } } } }
TestCrashThread 檢測我的子彈與敵方飛機碰撞
synchronized (MyPlane.myBulletList){ for (int i = 0; i < MyPlane.myBulletList.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < EnemyPlaneThread.enemyPlanes.size() ;j++) { if(MyPlane.myBulletList.get(i).judge_crash(EnemyPlaneThread.enemyPlanes.get(j)) ){ EnemyPlaneThread.enemyPlanes.get(j).setAlive(false); //關執行緒 DrawThread.player.score+=5; //分數+5 EnemyPlaneThread.enemyPlanes.remove(j); MyPlane.myBulletList.remove(i); j = -1; } if(i >= MyPlane.myBulletList.size()){ break; } } } }
連結: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ORdS-Ep0MNmVsslv9YFjiQ
提取碼: hvz4
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<em>Mac</em>Book项目 2009年学校开始实施<em>Mac</em>Book项目,所有师生配备一本<em>Mac</em>Book,并同步更新了校园无线网络。学校每周进行电脑技术更新,每月发送技术支持资料,极大改变了教学及学习方式。因此2011
2021-06-01 09:32:01
2021-06-01 09:31:42
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目前应用IPFS的机构:1 谷歌<em>浏览器</em>支持IPFS分布式协议 2 万维网 (历史档案博物馆)数据库 3 火狐<em>浏览器</em>支持 IPFS分布式协议 4 EOS 等数字货币数据存储 5 美国国会图书馆,历史资料永久保存在 IPFS 6 加
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