<em>Mac</em>Book项目 2009年学校开始实施<em>Mac</em>Book项目,所有师生配备一本<em>Mac</em>Book,并同步更新了校园无线网络。学校每周进行电脑技术更新,每月发送技术支持资料,极大改变了教学及学习方式。因此2011
2021-06-01 09:32:01
Test1,Test2,Test3,Test4,Test5,Test6 str1,str2,str3,str4,str5,str6 str1,str2,str3,str4,str5,str6
"Test1 "",""","Test2 "",""","Test3 "",""","Test4 "",""","Test5 "",""","Test6 "",""" " 中文,D23 ","3DFD4234""""""1232""1S2","ASD1"",""23,,,,213 23F32"," ",,asd " 中文,D23 ","3DFD4234""""""1232""1S2","ASD1"",""23,,,,213 23F32"," ",,asd
CSV檔案沒有官方的標準,但一般專案都會遵守 RFC 4180 標準。這是一個非官方的標準,內容如下:
Each record is located on a separate line, delimited by a line break (CRLF).
The last record in the file may or may not have an ending line break.
There maybe an optional header line appearing as the first line of the file with the same format as normal record lines. This header will contain names corresponding to the fields in the file and should contain the same number of fields as the records in the rest of the file (the presence or absence of the header line should be indicated via the optional "header" parameter of this MIME type).
Within the header and each record, there may be one or more fields, separated by commas. Each line should contain the same number of fields throughout the file. Spaces are considered part of a field and should not be ignored. The last field in the record must not be followed by a comma.
Each field may or may not be enclosed in double quotes (however some programs, such as Microsoft Excel, do not use double quotes at all). If fields are not enclosed with double quotes, then double quotes may not appear inside the fields.
Fields containing line breaks (CRLF), double quotes, and commas should be enclosed in double-quotes.
If double-quotes are used to enclose fields, then a double-quote appearing inside a field must be escaped by preceding it with another double quote.
class Test { public string Test1{get;set;} public string Test2 { get; set; } public string Test3 { get; set; } public string Test4 { get; set; } public string Test5 { get; set; } public string Test6 { get; set; } //Parse方法會在自定義讀寫CSV檔案時用到 public static Test Parse (string[]fields ) { try { Test ret = new Test(); ret.Test1 = fields[0]; ret.Test2 = fields[1]; ret.Test3 = fields[2]; ret.Test4 = fields[3]; ret.Test5 = fields[4]; ret.Test6 = fields[5]; return ret; } catch (Exception) { //做一些例外處理,寫紀錄檔之類的 return null; } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //檔案儲存路徑 string path = "tset.csv"; //清理之前的測試檔案 File.Delete("tset.csv"); Test test = new Test(); test.Test1 = " 中文,D23 "; test.Test2 = "3DFD4234"""1232"1S2"; test.Test3 = "ASD1","23,,,,213r23F32"; test.Test4 = "r"; test.Test5 = string.Empty; test.Test6 = "asd"; //測試資料 var records = new List<Test> { test, test }; //寫CSV檔案 /* *直接把後面的寫CSV檔案程式碼複製到此處 */ //讀CSV檔案 /* *直接把後面的讀CSV檔案程式碼複製到此處 */ Console.ReadLine(); }
CsvHelper 是用於讀取和寫入 CSV 檔案的庫,支援自定義類物件的讀寫。
github上標星最高的CSV檔案讀寫C#庫,使用MS-PL、Apache 2.0開源協定。
//寫CSV檔案 using (var writer = new StreamWriter(path)) using (var csv = new CsvWriter(writer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { csv.WriteRecords(records); } using (var writer = new StreamWriter(path,true)) using (var csv = new CsvWriter(writer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { //追加 foreach (var record in records) { csv.WriteRecord(record); } } //讀CSV檔案 using (var reader = new StreamReader(path)) using (var csv = new CsvReader(reader, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { records = csv.GetRecords<Test>().ToList(); //逐行讀取 //records.Add(csv.GetRecord<Test>()); }
/// <summary> /// CSV檔案讀寫工具類 /// </summary> public class CsvFile { #region 寫CSV檔案 //具體程式碼... #endregion #region 讀CSV檔案(使用TextFieldParser) //具體程式碼... #endregion #region 讀CSV檔案(使用正規表示式) //具體程式碼... #endregion }
#region 寫CSV檔案 //欄位陣列轉為CSV記錄行 private static string FieldsToLine(IEnumerable<string> fields) { if (fields == null) return string.Empty; fields = fields.Select(field => { if (field == null) field = string.Empty; //簡化標準,所有欄位都加雙引號 field = string.Format(""{0}"", field.Replace(""", """")); //不簡化標準 //field = field.Replace(""", """"); //if (field.IndexOfAny(new char[] { ',', '"', ' ', 'r' }) != -1) //{ // field = string.Format(""{0}"", field); //} return field; }); string line = string.Format("{0}{1}", string.Join(",", fields), Environment.NewLine); return line; } //預設的欄位轉換方法 private static IEnumerable<string> GetObjFields<T>(T obj, bool isTitle) where T : class { IEnumerable<string> fields; if (isTitle) { fields = obj.GetType().GetProperties().Select(pro => pro.Name); } else { fields = obj.GetType().GetProperties().Select(pro => pro.GetValue(obj)?.ToString()); } return fields; } /// <summary> /// 寫CSV檔案,預設第一行為標題 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="list">資料列表</param> /// <param name="path">檔案路徑</param> /// <param name="append">追加記錄</param> /// <param name="func">欄位轉換方法</param> /// <param name="defaultEncoding"></param> public static void Write<T>(List<T> list, string path,bool append=true, Func<T, bool, IEnumerable<string>> func = null, Encoding defaultEncoding = null) where T : class { if (list == null || list.Count == 0) return; if (defaultEncoding == null) { defaultEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; } if (func == null) { func = GetObjFields; } if (!File.Exists(path)|| !append) { var fields = func(list[0], true); string title = FieldsToLine(fields); File.WriteAllText(path, title, defaultEncoding); } using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path, true, defaultEncoding)) { list.ForEach(obj => { var fields = func(obj, false); string line = FieldsToLine(fields); sw.Write(line); }); } } #endregion
//寫CSV檔案 //使用自定義的欄位轉換方法,也是文章開頭複雜CSV檔案使用欄位轉換方法 CsvFile.Write(records, path, true, new Func<Test, bool, IEnumerable<string>>((obj, isTitle) => { IEnumerable<string> fields; if (isTitle) { fields = obj.GetType().GetProperties().Select(pro => pro.Name + Environment.NewLine + "",""); } else { fields = obj.GetType().GetProperties().Select(pro => pro.GetValue(obj)?.ToString()); } return fields; })); //使用預設的欄位轉換方法 //CsvFile.Write(records, path);
CsvFile.Save(records, path);
#region 讀CSV檔案(使用TextFieldParser) /// <summary> /// 讀CSV檔案,預設第一行為標題 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="path">檔案路徑</param> /// <param name="func">欄位解析規則</param> /// <param name="defaultEncoding">檔案編碼</param> /// <returns></returns> public static List<T> Read<T>(string path, Func<string[], T> func, Encoding defaultEncoding = null) where T : class { if (defaultEncoding == null) { defaultEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; } List<T> list = new List<T>(); using (TextFieldParser parser = new TextFieldParser(path, defaultEncoding)) { parser.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited; //設定逗號分隔符 parser.SetDelimiters(","); //設定不忽略欄位前後的空格 parser.TrimWhiteSpace = false; bool isLine = false; while (!parser.EndOfData) { string[] fields = parser.ReadFields(); if (isLine) { var obj = func(fields); if (obj != null) list.Add(obj); } else { //忽略標題行業 isLine = true; } } } return list; } #endregion
//讀CSV檔案 records = CsvFile.Read(path, Test.Parse);
本節的正規表示式來自 《精通正規表示式(第3版)》 第6章 打造高效正規表示式——簡單的消除迴圈的例子,有興趣的可以去了解一下,表示式說明如下:
#region 讀CSV檔案(使用正規表示式) /// <summary> /// 讀CSV檔案,預設第一行為標題 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="path">檔案路徑</param> /// <param name="func">欄位解析規則</param> /// <param name="defaultEncoding">檔案編碼</param> /// <returns></returns> public static List<T> Read_Regex<T>(string path, Func<string[], T> func, Encoding defaultEncoding = null) where T : class { List<T> list = new List<T>(); StringBuilder sbr = new StringBuilder(100); Regex lineReg = new Regex("""); Regex fieldReg = new Regex("\G(?:^|,)(?:"((?>[^"]*)(?>""[^"]*)*)"|([^",]*))"); Regex quotesReg = new Regex(""""); bool isLine = false; string line = string.Empty; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path)) { while (null != (line = ReadLine(sr))) { sbr.Append(line); string str = sbr.ToString(); //一個完整的CSV記錄行,它的雙引號一定是偶數 if (lineReg.Matches(sbr.ToString()).Count % 2 == 0) { if (isLine) { var fields = ParseCsvLine(sbr.ToString(), fieldReg, quotesReg).ToArray(); var obj = func(fields.ToArray()); if (obj != null) list.Add(obj); } else { //忽略標題行業 isLine = true; } sbr.Clear(); } else { sbr.Append(Environment.NewLine); } } } if (sbr.Length > 0) { //有解析失敗的字串,報錯或忽略 } return list; } //重寫ReadLine方法,只有rn才是正確的一行 private static string ReadLine(StreamReader sr) { StringBuilder sbr = new StringBuilder(); char c; int cInt; while (-1 != (cInt =sr.Read())) { c = (char)cInt; if (c == 'n' && sbr.Length > 0 && sbr[sbr.Length - 1] == 'r') { sbr.Remove(sbr.Length - 1, 1); return sbr.ToString(); } else { sbr.Append(c); } } return sbr.Length>0?sbr.ToString():null; } private static List<string> ParseCsvLine(string line, Regex fieldReg, Regex quotesReg) { var fieldMath = fieldReg.Match(line); List<string> fields = new List<string>(); while (fieldMath.Success) { string field; if (fieldMath.Groups[1].Success) { field = quotesReg.Replace(fieldMath.Groups[1].Value, """); } else { field = fieldMath.Groups[2].Value; } fields.Add(field); fieldMath = fieldMath.NextMatch(); } return fields; } #endregion
//讀CSV檔案 records = CsvFile.Read_Regex(path, Test.Parse);
using Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace ConsoleApp4 { /// <summary> /// CSV檔案讀寫工具類 /// </summary> public class CsvFile { #region 寫CSV檔案 //欄位陣列轉為CSV記錄行 private static string FieldsToLine(IEnumerable<string> fields) { if (fields == null) return string.Empty; fields = fields.Select(field => { if (field == null) field = string.Empty; //所有欄位都加雙引號 field = string.Format(""{0}"", field.Replace(""", """")); //不簡化 //field = field.Replace(""", """"); //if (field.IndexOfAny(new char[] { ',', '"', ' ', 'r' }) != -1) //{ // field = string.Format(""{0}"", field); //} return field; }); string line = string.Format("{0}{1}", string.Join(",", fields), Environment.NewLine); return line; } //預設的欄位轉換方法 private static IEnumerable<string> GetObjFields<T>(T obj, bool isTitle) where T : class { IEnumerable<string> fields; if (isTitle) { fields = obj.GetType().GetProperties().Select(pro => pro.Name); } else { fields = obj.GetType().GetProperties().Select(pro => pro.GetValue(obj)?.ToString()); } return fields; } /// <summary> /// 寫CSV檔案,預設第一行為標題 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="list">資料列表</param> /// <param name="path">檔案路徑</param> /// <param name="append">追加記錄</param> /// <param name="func">欄位轉換方法</param> /// <param name="defaultEncoding"></param> public static void Write<T>(List<T> list, string path,bool append=true, Func<T, bool, IEnumerable<string>> func = null, Encoding defaultEncoding = null) where T : class { if (list == null || list.Count == 0) return; if (defaultEncoding == null) { defaultEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; } if (func == null) { func = GetObjFields; } if (!File.Exists(path)|| !append) { var fields = func(list[0], true); string title = FieldsToLine(fields); File.WriteAllText(path, title, defaultEncoding); } using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path, true, defaultEncoding)) { list.ForEach(obj => { var fields = func(obj, false); string line = FieldsToLine(fields); sw.Write(line); }); } } #endregion #region 讀CSV檔案(使用TextFieldParser) /// <summary> /// 讀CSV檔案,預設第一行為標題 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="path">檔案路徑</param> /// <param name="func">欄位解析規則</param> /// <param name="defaultEncoding">檔案編碼</param> /// <returns></returns> public static List<T> Read<T>(string path, Func<string[], T> func, Encoding defaultEncoding = null) where T : class { if (defaultEncoding == null) { defaultEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; } List<T> list = new List<T>(); using (TextFieldParser parser = new TextFieldParser(path, defaultEncoding)) { parser.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited; //設定逗號分隔符 parser.SetDelimiters(","); //設定不忽略欄位前後的空格 parser.TrimWhiteSpace = false; bool isLine = false; while (!parser.EndOfData) { string[] fields = parser.ReadFields(); if (isLine) { var obj = func(fields); if (obj != null) list.Add(obj); } else { //忽略標題行業 isLine = true; } } } return list; } #endregion #region 讀CSV檔案(使用正規表示式) /// <summary> /// 讀CSV檔案,預設第一行為標題 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="path">檔案路徑</param> /// <param name="func">欄位解析規則</param> /// <param name="defaultEncoding">檔案編碼</param> /// <returns></returns> public static List<T> Read_Regex<T>(string path, Func<string[], T> func, Encoding defaultEncoding = null) where T : class { List<T> list = new List<T>(); StringBuilder sbr = new StringBuilder(100); Regex lineReg = new Regex("""); Regex fieldReg = new Regex("\G(?:^|,)(?:"((?>[^"]*)(?>""[^"]*)*)"|([^",]*))"); Regex quotesReg = new Regex(""""); bool isLine = false; string line = string.Empty; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path)) { while (null != (line = ReadLine(sr))) { sbr.Append(line); string str = sbr.ToString(); //一個完整的CSV記錄行,它的雙引號一定是偶數 if (lineReg.Matches(sbr.ToString()).Count % 2 == 0) { if (isLine) { var fields = ParseCsvLine(sbr.ToString(), fieldReg, quotesReg).ToArray(); var obj = func(fields.ToArray()); if (obj != null) list.Add(obj); } else { //忽略標題行業 isLine = true; } sbr.Clear(); } else { sbr.Append(Environment.NewLine); } } } if (sbr.Length > 0) { //有解析失敗的字串,報錯或忽略 } return list; } //重寫ReadLine方法,只有rn才是正確的一行 private static string ReadLine(StreamReader sr) { StringBuilder sbr = new StringBuilder(); char c; int cInt; while (-1 != (cInt =sr.Read())) { c = (char)cInt; if (c == 'n' && sbr.Length > 0 && sbr[sbr.Length - 1] == 'r') { sbr.Remove(sbr.Length - 1, 1); return sbr.ToString(); } else { sbr.Append(c); } } return sbr.Length>0?sbr.ToString():null; } private static List<string> ParseCsvLine(string line, Regex fieldReg, Regex quotesReg) { var fieldMath = fieldReg.Match(line); List<string> fields = new List<string>(); while (fieldMath.Success) { string field; if (fieldMath.Groups[1].Success) { field = quotesReg.Replace(fieldMath.Groups[1].Value, """); } else { field = fieldMath.Groups[2].Value; } fields.Add(field); fieldMath = fieldMath.NextMatch(); } return fields; } #endregion } }
//寫CSV檔案 CsvFile.Write(records, path, true, new Func<Test, bool, IEnumerable<string>>((obj, isTitle) => { IEnumerable<string> fields; if (isTitle) { fields = obj.GetType().GetProperties().Select(pro => pro.Name + Environment.NewLine + "",""); } else { fields = obj.GetType().GetProperties().Select(pro => pro.GetValue(obj)?.ToString()); } return fields; })); //讀CSV檔案 records = CsvFile.Read(path, Test.Parse); //讀CSV檔案 records = CsvFile.Read_Regex(path, Test.Parse);
<em>Mac</em>Book项目 2009年学校开始实施<em>Mac</em>Book项目,所有师生配备一本<em>Mac</em>Book,并同步更新了校园无线网络。学校每周进行电脑技术更新,每月发送技术支持资料,极大改变了教学及学习方式。因此2011
2021-06-01 09:32:01
2021-06-01 09:31:42
除了L4WUDU与吴亦凡已经多次共事,成为了明面上的厂牌成员,吴亦凡还曾带领20XXCLUB全队参加2020年的一场音乐节,这也是20XXCLUB首次全员合照,王嗣尧Turbo、陈彦希Regi、<em>Mac</em> Ova Seas、林渝植等人全部出场。然而让
2021-06-01 09:31:34
目前应用IPFS的机构:1 谷歌<em>浏览器</em>支持IPFS分布式协议 2 万维网 (历史档案博物馆)数据库 3 火狐<em>浏览器</em>支持 IPFS分布式协议 4 EOS 等数字货币数据存储 5 美国国会图书馆,历史资料永久保存在 IPFS 6 加
2021-06-01 09:31:24
2021-06-01 09:30:48
2021-06-01 09:30:45