<em>Mac</em>Book项目 2009年学校开始实施<em>Mac</em>Book项目,所有师生配备一本<em>Mac</em>Book,并同步更新了校园无线网络。学校每周进行电脑技术更新,每月发送技术支持资料,极大改变了教学及学习方式。因此2011
2021-06-01 09:32:01
每天你都可能會執行許多重複的任務,例如閱讀新聞、發郵件、檢視天氣、開啟書籤、清理資料夾等等,使用自動化指令碼,就無需手動一次又一次地完成這些任務,非常方便。而在某種程度上,Python 就是自動化的代名詞。
import pyttsx3 import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup engine = pyttsx3.init('sapi5') voices = engine.getProperty('voices') newVoiceRate = 130 ## Reduce The Speech Rate engine.setProperty('rate',newVoiceRate) engine.setProperty('voice', voices[1].id) def speak(audio): engine.say(audio) engine.runAndWait() text = str(input("Paste articlen")) res = requests.get(text) soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text,'html.parser') articles = [] for i in range(len(soup.select('.p'))): article = soup.select('.p')[i].getText().strip() articles.append(article) text = " ".join(articles) speak(text) # engine.save_to_file(text, 'test.mp3') ## If you want to save the speech as a audio file engine.runAndWait()
需要的第三方庫:Dtale - 自動生成分析報告
### Importing Seaborn Library For Some Datasets import seaborn as sns ### Printing Inbuilt Datasets of Seaborn Library print(sns.get_dataset_names()) ### Loading Titanic Dataset df=sns.load_dataset('titanic') ### Importing The Library import dtale #### Generating Quick Summary dtale.show(df)
import smtplib from email.message import EmailMessage import pandas as pd def send_email(remail, rsubject, rcontent): email = EmailMessage() ## Creating a object for EmailMessage email['from'] = 'The Pythoneer Here' ## Person who is sending email['to'] = remail ## Whom we are sending email['subject'] = rsubject ## Subject of email email.set_content(rcontent) ## content of email with smtplib.SMTP(host='smtp.gmail.com',port=587)as smtp: smtp.ehlo() ## server object smtp.starttls() ## used to send data between server and client smtp.login("deltadelta371@gmail.com","delta@371") ## login id and password of gmail smtp.send_message(email) ## Sending email print("email send to ",remail) ## Printing success message if __name__ == '__main__': df = pd.read_excel('list.xlsx') length = len(df)+1 for index, item in df.iterrows(): email = item[0] subject = item[1] content = item[2] send_email(email,subject,content)
指令碼可以將 pdf 轉換為音訊檔,原理也很簡單,首先用 PyPDF 提取 pdf 中的文字,然後用 Pyttsx3 將文字轉語音。
import pyttsx3,PyPDF2 pdfreader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(open('story.pdf','rb')) speaker = pyttsx3.init() for page_num in range(pdfreader.numPages): text = pdfreader.getPage(page_num).extractText() ## extracting text from the PDF cleaned_text = text.strip().replace('n',' ') ## Removes unnecessary spaces and break lines print(cleaned_text) ## Print the text from PDF #speaker.say(cleaned_text) ## Let The Speaker Speak The Text speaker.save_to_file(cleaned_text,'story.mp3') ## Saving Text In a audio file 'story.mp3' speaker.runAndWait() speaker.stop()
這個指令碼會從歌曲資料夾中隨機選擇一首歌進行播放,需要注意的是 os.startfile 僅支援 Windows 系統。
import random, os music_dir = 'G:\new english songs' songs = os.listdir(music_dir) song = random.randint(0,len(songs)) print(songs[song]) ## Prints The Song Name os.startfile(os.path.join(music_dir, songs[0]))
國家氣象局網站提供獲取天氣預報的 API,直接返回 json 格式的天氣資料。所以只需要從 json 裡取出對應的欄位就可以了。
http://www.weather.com.cn/data/cityinfo/101021200.html 上海徐彙區對應的天氣網址。
import requests import json import logging as log def get_weather_wind(url): r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code != 200: log.error("Can't get weather data!") info = json.loads(r.content.decode()) # get wind data data = info['weatherinfo'] WD = data['WD'] WS = data['WS'] return "{}({})".format(WD, WS) def get_weather_city(url): # open url and get return data r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code != 200: log.error("Can't get weather data!") # convert string to json info = json.loads(r.content.decode()) # get useful data data = info['weatherinfo'] city = data['city'] temp1 = data['temp1'] temp2 = data['temp2'] weather = data['weather'] return "{} {} {}~{}".format(city, weather, temp1, temp2) if __name__ == '__main__': msg = """**天氣提醒**: {} {} {} {} 來源: 國家氣象局 """.format( get_weather_city('http://www.weather.com.cn/data/cityinfo/101021200.html'), get_weather_wind('http://www.weather.com.cn/data/sk/101021200.html'), get_weather_city('http://www.weather.com.cn/data/cityinfo/101020900.html'), get_weather_wind('http://www.weather.com.cn/data/sk/101020900.html') ) print(msg)
import contextlib from urllib.parse import urlencode from urllib.request import urlopen import sys def make_tiny(url): request_url = ('http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?' + urlencode({'url':url})) with contextlib.closing(urlopen(request_url)) as response: return response.read().decode('utf-8') def main(): for tinyurl in map(make_tiny, sys.argv[1:]): print(tinyurl) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import os import threading import time def get_file_list(file_path): #檔案按最後修改時間排序 dir_list = os.listdir(file_path) if not dir_list: return else: dir_list = sorted(dir_list, key=lambda x: os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(file_path, x))) return dir_list def get_size(file_path): """[summary] Args: file_path ([type]): [目錄] Returns: [type]: 返回目錄大小,MB """ totalsize=0 for filename in os.listdir(file_path): totalsize=totalsize+os.path.getsize(os.path.join(file_path, filename)) #print(totalsize / 1024 / 1024) return totalsize / 1024 / 1024 def detect_file_size(file_path, size_Max, size_Del): """[summary] Args: file_path ([type]): [檔案目錄] size_Max ([type]): [資料夾最大大小] size_Del ([type]): [超過size_Max時要刪除的大小] """ print(get_size(file_path)) if get_size(file_path) > size_Max: fileList = get_file_list(file_path) for i in range(len(fileList)): if get_size(file_path) > (size_Max - size_Del): print ("del :%d %s" % (i + 1, fileList[i])) #os.remove(file_path + fileList[i])
<em>Mac</em>Book项目 2009年学校开始实施<em>Mac</em>Book项目,所有师生配备一本<em>Mac</em>Book,并同步更新了校园无线网络。学校每周进行电脑技术更新,每月发送技术支持资料,极大改变了教学及学习方式。因此2011
2021-06-01 09:32:01
2021-06-01 09:31:42
除了L4WUDU与吴亦凡已经多次共事,成为了明面上的厂牌成员,吴亦凡还曾带领20XXCLUB全队参加2020年的一场音乐节,这也是20XXCLUB首次全员合照,王嗣尧Turbo、陈彦希Regi、<em>Mac</em> Ova Seas、林渝植等人全部出场。然而让
2021-06-01 09:31:34
目前应用IPFS的机构:1 谷歌<em>浏览器</em>支持IPFS分布式协议 2 万维网 (历史档案博物馆)数据库 3 火狐<em>浏览器</em>支持 IPFS分布式协议 4 EOS 等数字货币数据存储 5 美国国会图书馆,历史资料永久保存在 IPFS 6 加
2021-06-01 09:31:24
2021-06-01 09:30:48
2021-06-01 09:30:45