<em>Mac</em>Book项目 2009年学校开始实施<em>Mac</em>Book项目,所有师生配备一本<em>Mac</em>Book,并同步更新了校园无线网络。学校每周进行电脑技术更新,每月发送技术支持资料,极大改变了教学及学习方式。因此2011
2021-06-01 09:32:01
在實際專案開發中會頻繁的用到執行緒,執行緒使用起來是很簡單,但是濫用執行緒會帶來效能問題, 比如啟動一個執行緒至少 佔用16kb的記憶體、執行緒過多會導致cpu的頻繁切換而cpu切換成本是很高的、消耗大量使用者電量等問題, 所以應該讓app的執行緒數保持在合理水平,這是效能優化中很重要的一部分。本文對執行緒優化方面的知識做了一個全面總結,主要內容如下:
在任意時刻,CPU 只能執行一條機器指令,每個執行緒只有獲得了 CPU 的使用權之後才能執行指令,也就是說 在任意時刻,只有一個執行緒佔用 CPU,處於執行狀態。而我們平常所說的 多執行緒並行執行,實際上說的是多個執行緒輪流獲取 CPU 的使用權,然後分別執行各自的任務。其實在可執行池當中有多個處於就緒狀態的執行緒在等待 CPU,而 JVM 負責執行緒排程,按照特定機制為多個執行緒分配 CPU 使用權。
執行緒排程模型可以分為兩類,分別是 分時排程模型 和 搶佔式排程模型。
Android 的執行緒排程從兩個因素決定,一個是 nice
值(即執行緒優先順序),一個是 cgroup
對於 nice 值來說,它首先是在 Process
中定義的,值越小,程序優先順序越高,預設值是 THREAD_PRIORITY_DEFAULT = 0
,主執行緒的優先順序也是這個值。修改 nice 值只需要在對應的執行緒下設定即可:
public class MyRunnable implements Runnable {<!-- --> @Override public void run() {<!-- --> Process.setThreadPriority(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_DEFAULT) } } // 附上 setThreadPriority() 檔案說明 /** * Set the priority of the calling thread, based on Linux priorities. See * {@link #setThreadPriority(int, int)} for more information. * * @param priority A Linux priority level, from -20 for highest scheduling * priority to 19 for lowest scheduling priority. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException Throws IllegalArgumentException if * <var>tid</var> does not exist. * @throws SecurityException Throws SecurityException if your process does * not have permission to modify the given thread, or to use the given * priority. * * @see #setThreadPriority(int, int) */ public static final native void setThreadPriority(int priority) throws IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException;
nice 值它還有其他的優先順序可選:
public class Process { /** * Standard priority of application threads. * Use with {@link #setThreadPriority(int)} and * {@link #setThreadPriority(int, int)}, <b>not</b> with the normal * {@link java.lang.Thread} class. */ public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_DEFAULT = 0; /** * Lowest available thread priority. Only for those who really, really * don't want to run if anything else is happening. * Use with {@link #setThreadPriority(int)} and * {@link #setThreadPriority(int, int)}, <b>not</b> with the normal * {@link java.lang.Thread} class. */ public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST = 19; /** * Standard priority background threads. This gives your thread a slightly * lower than normal priority, so that it will have less chance of impacting * the responsiveness of the user interface. * Use with {@link #setThreadPriority(int)} and * {@link #setThreadPriority(int, int)}, <b>not</b> with the normal * {@link java.lang.Thread} class. */ public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND = 10; /** * Standard priority of threads that are currently running a user interface * that the user is interacting with. Applications can not normally * change to this priority; the system will automatically adjust your * application threads as the user moves through the UI. * Use with {@link #setThreadPriority(int)} and * {@link #setThreadPriority(int, int)}, <b>not</b> with the normal * {@link java.lang.Thread} class. */ public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND = -2; /** * Standard priority of system display threads, involved in updating * the user interface. Applications can not * normally change to this priority. * Use with {@link #setThreadPriority(int)} and * {@link #setThreadPriority(int, int)}, <b>not</b> with the normal * {@link java.lang.Thread} class. */ public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_DISPLAY = -4; /** * Standard priority of the most important display threads, for compositing * the screen and retrieving input events. Applications can not normally * change to this priority. * Use with {@link #setThreadPriority(int)} and * {@link #setThreadPriority(int, int)}, <b>not</b> with the normal * {@link java.lang.Thread} class. */ public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_URGENT_DISPLAY = -8; /** * Standard priority of video threads. Applications can not normally * change to this priority. * Use with {@link #setThreadPriority(int)} and * {@link #setThreadPriority(int, int)}, <b>not</b> with the normal * {@link java.lang.Thread} class. */ public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_VIDEO = -10; /** * Standard priority of audio threads. Applications can not normally * change to this priority. * Use with {@link #setThreadPriority(int)} and * {@link #setThreadPriority(int, int)}, <b>not</b> with the normal * {@link java.lang.Thread} class. */ public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_AUDIO = -16; /** * Standard priority of the most important audio threads. * Applications can not normally change to this priority. * Use with {@link #setThreadPriority(int)} and * {@link #setThreadPriority(int, int)}, <b>not</b> with the normal * {@link java.lang.Thread} class. */ public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_URGENT_AUDIO = -19; /** * Minimum increment to make a priority more favorable. */ public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_MORE_FAVORABLE = -1; /** * Minimum increment to make a priority less favorable. */ public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_LESS_FAVORABLE = +1; }
在實踐過程當中,如果只有 nice 值是不足夠的。比如有一個 app 它有1個前臺執行緒,而且它還有10個後臺執行緒,雖然後臺執行緒的優先順序比較低,但是數量比較多,這10個後臺執行緒對 CPU 的消耗量是可以影響到前臺執行緒的效能的。所以 Android 需要一種機制來處理這種情況,也就是 cgroup。
Android 借鑑了 Linux 的 cgroup 來執行 更嚴格的前臺和後臺排程策略,後臺優先順序的執行緒會被隱式的移動到後臺 group,而其他 group 的執行緒如果處於工作狀態,那麼後臺這些執行緒它們將會被限制,只有很小的機率能夠利用 CPU。
這種分離的排程策略既允許了後臺執行緒來執行一些任務,同時又不會對使用者可見的前臺執行緒造成很大的影響,讓前臺執行緒有更多的 CPU。
或許你會有疑問:哪些執行緒會被移到後臺 group?
使用 Thread
建立執行緒是最簡單、常見的非同步方式,但在實際專案中,它也就只有這個優點了,並不推薦直接使用 Thread 建立執行緒,主要有以下幾點原因:
是 Android 提供的一個自帶訊息迴圈的執行緒,它內部使用 序列的方式執行任務,比較 適合長時間執行,不斷從佇列中獲取任務的場景。
繼承了 Android Service
元件,內部建立了 HandlerThread,相比 Service 是在主執行緒執行,IntentService 是 在子執行緒非同步執行不佔用主執行緒,而且 優先順序比較高,不易被系統 kill。
是 Android 提供的工具類,內部的實現是使用了執行緒池,它比較大的好處是無需自己處理執行緒切換,但需要注意 AsyncTask 不同版本執行方式不一致的問題。
java 提供了執行緒池,在實際專案中比較推薦使用執行緒池的方式實現非同步任務,它主要有以下優點:
由強大的 Scheduler
集合提供,內部實際也是使用的執行緒池,它封裝的非常完善,可以根據任務型別的不同指定使用不同的執行緒池,比如 IO 密集型的任務可以指定 Schedulers.IO
,CPU 密集型任務可以指定 Schedulers.Computation
Single.just(xxx) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.IO) // 指定工作執行緒型別為 IO 密集型 .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) // 指定下游接收所線上程 .subscribe();
public class ThreadPoolUtils { //建立定長執行緒池,核心數為5 private static ExecutorService mService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5, new ThreadFactory() { @Override public Thread newThread(Runnable runnable) { Thread thread = new Thread(runnable,"ThreadPoolUtils");//設定執行緒名 Process.setThreadPriority(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND); //設定執行緒優先順序 return thread; } }); //獲取全域性的執行緒池 public static ExecutorService getService(){ return mService; } }
//使用全域性統一的執行緒池 ThreadPoolUtils.getService().execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Process.setThreadPriority(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_DEFAULT); //修改執行緒優先順序 String oldName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); Thread.currentThread().setName("Jarchie"); //修改執行緒名稱 Log.i("MainActivity",""); Thread.currentThread().setName(oldName); //將原有名稱改回去 } });
@Override protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) { super.attachBaseContext(base); //Hook Thread類別建構函式,兩個引數:需要Hook的類,MethodHook的回撥 DexposedBridge.hookAllConstructors(Thread.class, new XC_MethodHook() { //afterHookedMethod是Hook此方法之後給我們的回撥 @Override protected void afterHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable { super.afterHookedMethod(param); //Hook完成之後會回撥到這裡 //實現自己的邏輯,param.thisObject可以拿到執行緒物件 Thread thread = (Thread) param.thisObject; //Log.getStackTraceString列印當前的呼叫棧資訊 Log.i(thread.getName() + "stack", Log.getStackTraceString(new Throwable())); } }); }
public class LogUtils { private static ExecutorService mExecutorService; public static void setExecutor(ExecutorService executorService){ mExecutorService = executorService; } public static final String TAG = "Jarchie"; public static void i(String msg){ if(Utils.isMainProcess(BaseApp.getApplication())){ Log.i(TAG,msg); } // 非同步操作 if(mExecutorService != null){ mExecutorService.execute(() -> { ... }); }else { //使用原有的 ... } } }
//獲取CPU的核心數 private int CPUCOUNT = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); //cpu執行緒池,核心數大小需要和cpu核心數相關聯,這裡簡單的將它們保持一致了 private ThreadPoolExecutor cpuExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(CPUCOUNT, CPUCOUNT, 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(), sThreadFactory); //IO執行緒池,核心數64,這個數量可以針對自身專案再確定 private ThreadPoolExecutor iOExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(64, 64, 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(), sThreadFactory); //這裡面使用了一個count作為標記 private static final ThreadFactory sThreadFactory = new ThreadFactory() { private final AtomicInteger mCount = new AtomicInteger(1); public Thread newThread(Runnable runnable) { return new Thread(runnable, "ThreadPoolUtils #" + mCount.getAndIncrement()); } };
然後在你實際專案中需要區分具體的任務型別,針對性的選擇相應的執行緒池進行使用。 以上就是對於Android執行緒優化方面的總結了,今天的內容還好不算多,覺得有用的朋友可以看看。
以上就是Android 執行緒優化知識點學習的詳細內容,更多關於Android 執行緒優化的資料請關注it145.com其它相關文章!
<em>Mac</em>Book项目 2009年学校开始实施<em>Mac</em>Book项目,所有师生配备一本<em>Mac</em>Book,并同步更新了校园无线网络。学校每周进行电脑技术更新,每月发送技术支持资料,极大改变了教学及学习方式。因此2011
2021-06-01 09:32:01
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