<em>Mac</em>Book项目 2009年学校开始实施<em>Mac</em>Book项目,所有师生配备一本<em>Mac</em>Book,并同步更新了校园无线网络。学校每周进行电脑技术更新,每月发送技术支持资料,极大改变了教学及学习方式。因此2011
2021-06-01 09:32:01
環境安裝:python 3.8: 直譯器、pycharm: 程式碼編輯器、pygame、numpy、部分自帶的模組直接安裝Python就可以使用了。
一般安裝:pip install +模組名 映象源安裝:pip install -i
pypi.douban.com/simple/+模組名 (還有很多國內映象源,這裡是豆瓣的用習慣了)
import pygame import sys import traceback import os from pygame.locals import * from random import * import numpy as np import linecache pygame.init() # 遊戲初始化 pygame.mixer.init() # 音效初始化 bg_size = width, height = 480, 700 # 螢幕大小 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(bg_size) pygame.display.set_caption("英語單詞挑戰") # 標題 # 背景圖片 background = pygame.image.load("source/背景.png") # .convert() BLACK = (0, 0, 0) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) GREEN = (0, 255, 0) RED = (255, 0, 0) # 遊戲音樂 pygame.mixer.music.load("source/背景音樂.mp3") pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(0.2) success_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("source/正確.wav") success_sound.set_volume(0.2) lost_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("source/失敗.wav") lost_sound.set_volume(0.2) win_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("source/勝利.wav") win_sound.set_volume(0.2) class Word(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, bg_size, showword): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.word = showword # 獲取單詞 self.length = len(self.word) # 單詞長度 self.wordfont = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 36) # 使用系統字型 self.wordtext = self.wordfont.render(self.word, True, WHITE, BLACK) # 單詞 self.promptword = "*"*self.length self.showtext = self.wordfont.render(self.promptword, True, WHITE, BLACK) # 隱藏單詞 self.succtext = self.wordfont.render("", True, WHITE) self.rect = self.wordtext.get_rect() # 單詞座標 self.width, self.height = bg_size[0], bg_size[1] self.rect.left, self.rect.top = (self.width - self.rect.width) // 2, 20 # 定義座標 self.speed = 1 # 下移速度 # self.destroy_images = [] # self.destroy_images.extend([pygame.image.load("爆炸小.png").convert_alpha()]) self.active = True # 活動標誌 self.success = False # 正確標誌 # 判斷輸入字母是否正確,並顯示 def show(self, a): for i in range(self.length): if self.promptword[i] == "*": if self.word[i] == a: self.promptword =self.promptword[:i] + a + self.promptword[i+1:] self.showtext = self.wordfont.render(self.promptword, True, WHITE, BLACK) # 隱藏單詞 if self.promptword == self.word: self.success = True break else: continue # 單詞移動 def move(self): if self.rect.top < self.height - 50: self.rect.top += self.speed else: self.reset() # 單詞重置 def reset(self): self.active = True self.success = False self.rect.left, self.rect.top = (self.width - self.rect.width) // 2, 20 # 中文提示 def describe(self, prop): myprop = prop self.propfont = pygame.font.Font("source/楷體_GB2312.ttf", 20) # 使用楷體字型 # print(myprop) self.describetext = self.propfont.render(myprop, True, BLACK) # 中文提示 self.proprect = self.describetext.get_rect() # 提示座標 self.proprect.left, self.proprect.top = (self.width - self.proprect.width) // 2, (self.height - 30 - self.proprect.height / 2) screen.blit(self.describetext, self.proprect) # 獲取單詞,讀取字典檔案 def Getletters(filename): words = [] # 儲存單詞 prompts = [] # 儲存中文提示 worddict = {} # 單詞字典 f = open(filename, encoding='utf-8') # 開啟文字,定義格式,能夠讀取中文 for line in f.readlines(): # 讀取行 line = line.strip() # 去掉/n word = line.split(":")[0] # 擷取單詞 prompt = line.split(":")[1] # .split(";")[0] # 擷取中文提示 words.append(word) prompts.append(prompt) worddict.update({word : prompt}) # 字典新增元素 f.close() return worddict # 儲存字典檔案 def SaveDict(dict1, filename): # 開啟字典檔案 with open(filename, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: for k, v in dict1.items(): str = f"{k}:{v}n" f.write(str) f.close() # 隨機抽取字典的資料 def ChoseWord(dict1): n = len(dict1) random.choice(list(dict1.keys())) words = dict1.keys() prompts = dict1.values() i = randint(0, n) key = words[i] value = prompts[i] return key, value # 主函數 def main(): pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) # 播放背景音樂 running = True # 判斷執行狀態 clock = pygame.time.Clock() # 時鐘 delay = 100 olingefile = "source/words.txt" # 原始單詞檔案 myfile = "source/newword.txt" # 使用單詞檔案 historyfile = "source/record.txt" # 最高記錄檔案 olindict = Getletters(olingefile) # 獲取原始單詞 num = len(olindict) # 總單詞數量 # getnum = 0 # record_score = 0 # 最高得分記錄 # record_rate = 0.00 # 最高進度 myfont_big = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 36) # 使用系統大字型 myfont_small = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 24) # 使用系統小字型 # 標誌是否暫停遊戲 paused = False paused_image = pygame.image.load("source/暫停.png").convert_alpha() resume_image = pygame.image.load("source/播放.png").convert_alpha() paused_rect = paused_image.get_rect() paused_rect.left, paused_rect.top = width - paused_rect.width - 10, 10 paused_show_image = paused_image # 主頁 mained = False # 主頁標誌 main_image = pygame.image.load("source/主頁.png").convert_alpha() main_rect = main_image.get_rect() main_rect.left, main_rect.top = width - paused_rect.width - 70, 10 # 成功頁面 success_image = pygame.image.load("source/成功.png").convert_alpha() # 底部頁面 bottom_image = pygame.image.load("source/底部.png").convert_alpha() # 統計得分 # score = 0 # 當前得分 # rate = 0.00 # 當前進度 # 主頁面 goon_image = pygame.image.load("source/繼續遊戲.png").convert_alpha() goon_rect = goon_image.get_rect() restart_image = pygame.image.load("source/重新開始.png").convert_alpha() restart_rect = restart_image.get_rect() gameover_image = pygame.image.load("source/結束遊戲.png").convert_alpha() gameover_rect = gameover_image.get_rect() flag = False # 新單詞標記 promptflag = False # 空格提示單詞標記 nextflag = False # 回車下一個單詞標記 winflag = False # 勝利標誌 keyvalue = "" # 獲取按鍵 if os.path.exists(myfile) and os.path.exists(historyfile): # 如果有記錄 mydict = Getletters(myfile) getnum = num - len(mydict) # 完成數量 mained = True with open(historyfile, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: record_score = int(linecache.getline(historyfile, 1)) # 讀取最高記錄 record_rate = float(linecache.getline(historyfile, 2)) # 讀取最高進度 score = int(linecache.getline(historyfile, 3)) # 讀取上一次記錄 f.close() # print(record_score, record_rate) else: mydict = Getletters(olingefile) getnum = 0 score = 0 rate = 0.00 record_score = score record_rate = rate mained = False while running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: # 退出 # 寫入記錄檔案 with open(historyfile, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(str(record_score)) f.write("n") f.write(str(record_rate)) f.write("n") f.write(str(score)) f.close() # 儲存剩餘單詞 SaveDict(mydict, myfile) pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # 滑鼠按下 # 按下暫停鍵 if event.button == 1 and paused_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): # 檢測滑鼠是否在範圍內 paused = not paused if paused: pygame.mixer.music.pause() # 背景音樂暫停 pygame.mixer.pause() # 音效暫停 paused_show_image = resume_image else: pygame.mixer.music.unpause() # 背景音樂暫停 pygame.mixer.unpause() # 音效暫停 paused_show_image = paused_image # 按下主頁鍵 if event.button == 1 and main_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): # 檢測滑鼠是否在範圍內 mained = True if mained: pygame.mixer.music.pause() # 背景音樂暫停 pygame.mixer.pause() # 音效暫停 elif event.type == KEYDOWN: # 按鍵 if event.key == K_TAB: # tab鍵 promptflag = True elif event.key == K_RETURN: # 確認鍵 nextflag = True else: keyvalue = chr(event.key) # 獲取ASCII碼轉字串 screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) # 載入背景圖片 screen.blit(bottom_image, (0, height - 60)) # 載入底部圖片 # 繪製得分 score_text = myfont_big.render(f"score:{str(score)}", True, WHITE) screen.blit(score_text, (10, 5)) # 暫停/播放 screen.blit(paused_show_image, paused_rect) # 暫停圖片 # 繪製主頁 screen.blit(main_image, main_rect) # 主頁圖片 # 繪製進度 pygame.draw.rect(screen, WHITE, ((10, 60), (200, 20)), 2) # 畫矩形,座標(10,60),長寬(200,20),線寬2 # 當進度大於80%顯示綠色,否則顯示紅色 rate = getnum / num if rate > 0.8: rate_color = GREEN else: rate_color = RED pygame.draw.rect(screen, rate_color, ((10, 60), (200 * rate, 20)), 0) # 填充 remaintext = myfont_small.render(f"{rate*100:.2f}%", True, WHITE) screen.blit(remaintext, (220, 55)) if not paused and not mained: if not flag: # 生成單詞 showword = np.random.choice(list(mydict.keys())) # 隨機選擇單詞 showprompt = mydict[showword] # 單詞中文提示 # print(showword, showprompt) myword = Word(bg_size, showword) # 生成單詞 flag = True # 新單詞 else: myword.move() # 單詞向下移動 myword.describe(showprompt) myword.show(keyvalue) # 獲取鍵盤按鍵 if promptflag: screen.blit(myword.wordtext, myword.rect) else: screen.blit(myword.showtext, myword.rect) # 成功 if myword.success: screen.blit(myword.succtext, myword.rect) # 清空 screen.blit(success_image, myword.rect) # 成功圖片 success_sound.play() if not (delay % 10): # 延時 myword.reset() flag = False score += 5 getnum += 1 del mydict[showword] if getnum == num: winflag = True mained = True if nextflag: myword.reset() flag = False nextflag = False if myword.rect.top > height - 118: lost_sound.play() flag = False score -= 2 # 暫停時 elif paused and not mained: myword.active = False screen.blit(myword.showtext, myword.rect) myword.describe(showprompt) # 顯示主頁 elif mained and not winflag: # myword.active = False screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) # 載入背景圖片 # 繪製結束介面 # 更新最高分 if score > record_score: record_score = score # 更新進度 if rate > record_rate: record_rate = rate # 最高分 record_score_text = myfont_big.render(f"Highest Score:{record_score}", True, WHITE) screen.blit(record_score_text, (50, 50)) # 最高進度 record_rate_text = myfont_big.render(f"Highest Rate:{record_rate*100:.2f}%", True, WHITE) screen.blit(record_rate_text, (50, 100)) # 當前得分 nowscore_text1 = myfont_big.render("Your Score:", True, WHITE) nowscore_text1_rect = nowscore_text1.get_rect() nowscore_text1_rect.left, nowscore_text1_rect.top = 50, 150 screen.blit(nowscore_text1, nowscore_text1_rect) nowscore_text2 = myfont_big.render(str(score), True, RED) nowscore_text2_rect = nowscore_text2.get_rect() nowscore_text2_rect.left, nowscore_text2_rect.top = 50 + nowscore_text1_rect.width, nowscore_text1_rect.top screen.blit(nowscore_text2, nowscore_text2_rect) # 當前進度 nowrate_text1 = myfont_big.render("Your Rate:", True, WHITE) nowrate_text1_rect = nowrate_text1.get_rect() nowrate_text1_rect.left, nowrate_text1_rect.top = 50, 200 screen.blit(nowrate_text1, nowrate_text1_rect) nowrate_text2 = myfont_big.render(f"{rate*100:.2f}%", True, RED) nowrate_text2_rect = nowrate_text2.get_rect() nowrate_text2_rect.left, nowrate_text2_rect.top = 50 + nowrate_text1_rect.width, nowrate_text1_rect.top screen.blit(nowrate_text2, nowrate_text2_rect) # 繼續遊戲 goon_rect.left, goon_rect.top = (width - goon_rect.width) // 2, 300 screen.blit(goon_image, goon_rect) # 重新開始 restart_rect.left, restart_rect.top = (width - restart_rect.width) // 2, goon_rect.bottom + 20 screen.blit(restart_image, restart_rect) # 結束遊戲 gameover_rect.left, gameover_rect.top = (width - gameover_rect.width) // 2, restart_rect.bottom + 20 screen.blit(gameover_image, gameover_rect) # 檢測使用者滑鼠操作 # 如果使用者按下滑鼠左鍵 if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: # 獲取滑鼠位置 pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # 如果使用者點選繼續遊戲 if goon_rect.left < pos[0] < goon_rect.right and goon_rect.top < pos[1] < goon_rect.bottom: # 跳出主頁面 mained = False # 重新開始 elif restart_rect.left < pos[0] < restart_rect.right and restart_rect.top < pos[1] < restart_rect.bottom: # 判斷最高記錄是否更新,儲存記錄 if score > record_score: record_score = score # 寫入記錄檔案 with open(historyfile, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(str(record_score)) f.write("n") f.write(str(record_rate)) f.close() # 儲存剩餘單詞 SaveDict(mydict, myfile) # 退出主頁 mained = False score = 0 mydict = Getletters(olingefile) # 獲取原始單詞 getnum = 0 # 如果使用者點選結束遊戲 elif gameover_rect.left < pos[0] < gameover_rect.right and gameover_rect.top < pos[1] < gameover_rect.bottom: # 寫入記錄檔案 with open(historyfile, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(str(record_score)) f.write("n") f.write(str(record_rate)) f.write("n") f.write(str(score)) f.close() # 儲存剩餘單詞 SaveDict(mydict, myfile) # 退出遊戲 pygame.quit() sys.exit() else: # screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) # 載入背景圖片 pygame.mixer.music.pause() # 背景音樂暫停 win_sound.play() win_text = myfont_big.render("Congratulations! You WIN!!!", True, WHITE) screen.blit(win_text, (50, 300)) # 時間間隔 delay -= 1 if not delay: delay = 50 promptflag = False pygame.display.flip() # 頁面重新整理 clock.tick(60) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except SystemExit: pass except: traceback.print_exc() pygame.quit() input()
到此這篇關於Python+Pygame實現簡單的單詞小遊戲的文章就介紹到這了,更多相關Python Pygame單詞遊戲內容請搜尋it145.com以前的文章或繼續瀏覽下面的相關文章希望大家以後多多支援it145.com!
<em>Mac</em>Book项目 2009年学校开始实施<em>Mac</em>Book项目,所有师生配备一本<em>Mac</em>Book,并同步更新了校园无线网络。学校每周进行电脑技术更新,每月发送技术支持资料,极大改变了教学及学习方式。因此2011
2021-06-01 09:32:01
2021-06-01 09:31:42
除了L4WUDU与吴亦凡已经多次共事,成为了明面上的厂牌成员,吴亦凡还曾带领20XXCLUB全队参加2020年的一场音乐节,这也是20XXCLUB首次全员合照,王嗣尧Turbo、陈彦希Regi、<em>Mac</em> Ova Seas、林渝植等人全部出场。然而让
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目前应用IPFS的机构:1 谷歌<em>浏览器</em>支持IPFS分布式协议 2 万维网 (历史档案博物馆)数据库 3 火狐<em>浏览器</em>支持 IPFS分布式协议 4 EOS 等数字货币数据存储 5 美国国会图书馆,历史资料永久保存在 IPFS 6 加
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2021-06-01 09:30:48
2021-06-01 09:30:45