2021-05-12 14:32:11
Bootstrap 3.3.5 發布下載,Web 前端 UI 框架
2020-06-16 17:58:26
Bootstrap 3.3.5 發布下載,該版本著重修復了 bug,改進輔助功能,以及文件更新。值得關注更新如下:
- Updated to Normalize.css v3.0.3.
- List groups now support <button> elements.
- Cleaned up some extraneous padding on jumbotrons across various viewports.
- Fixed input group sizing classes on all supported elements for real this time.
- Applied a few tooltip and popover positioning fixes.
- Fixed behavior when using tooltips and popovers that are triggered by multiple events.
- Fixed some memory leakage in the tooltip and popover plugins.
- Fixed incorrect Affix positioning when a webpage has a sticky footer.
- Fixed npm package to include all Grunt scripts, so that grunt dist works if you installed Bootstrap from npm.
更多內容請檢視更新紀錄檔: changelog
BootStrap入門教學圖文詳解 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-08/88764.htm
5 個不用 Bootstrap 的理由 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2014-04/100580.htm