If you have absolutely no idea of who Rudolf Nureyev (1938-1993) is, like as not, your immediate reaction after watching UK thespian Ralph Fienn
電影《白烏鴉:紐瑞耶夫傳奇》影評:[Film Review] The White Crow (2018) 6.9/10
電影《白烏鴉:紐瑞耶夫傳奇》影評:He has to do this alone.
之前沒有看過這樣的時代背景和題材,覺得還挺罕見的。冷戰時期的蘇聯,叛逃的芭蕾舞者。現實部分的色彩像糖果一樣明麗,而回憶則以冷調的黑白形式呈現:貧窮的童年 -
The first dance, which I will name the mother's look in my summary, is the first debut of the white crow. He came from a humble background, -