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Baharat (小黑哥)數次嘗試往上爬,可是往上爬不是你想就可以做得到。總有人站出來阻止你。一切靠運氣,正如電影所講。某天可能從悲慘的境遇中醒來,第二天又可能過得不錯。混得不錯(處於上層)時,我們總是習慣忘記那些不如意的過去,同時失掉了作為人應由的同理心,做任何事都極盡浮誇。


Baharat tried to go up several times, but going up does not have anything to do with willingness. There are always people that are going to stop you. It is a matter of luck, just like in the movie. One day you wake up in a horrific situation, the other day you are happier. When you are happy (or of higher class), you seem to forget about the bad days and lose your empathy as a human being and exaggerate in every act that you do.

The woman that worked for the administration thought that there were 200 levels. The movie describes that there is always worse and way more people suffering than they seem to observe - so bad that the world and the governments (the woman) do not realize (or tend to ignore) while being part of the system.

英文原版摘自 zaferdc 發表影評,原文鏈接如下:


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