遊牧人生影評Before I moved into this squeeze in,
I was out looking for work and putting in applications,
2008 and it was just tough
And I got to really really low point,
and I thought about suicide.
And I decided,
I was going to go buy a bottle of booze ,
turn on the propane stove,
and I was going to drink that booze until I passed out.
And if I woke up,
I was going to light a cigarette
and I was going to blow us all up.
I looked at my two sweet trusting dogs,
my cocker Spaniel, my little toy poodle.
And I...I just can't do that to them.
And I thought well,
Ican't do that to me either.
by the way,不忍深思的我,最終還是在筆記本刪掉了那句「那年,我67歲」。