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電影《怒海戰艦》影評:Thumb up


The movie is edited short to 90 minutes unlike other films about war,however, it made me no chance to move butt away from the couch.

There is a conversation between the captain and his girl friend before the mission arise my attention

I will always be looking for u, Evy

No matter where I am

Even if I am thousand miles away

I will be hoping I will see u come around at the corner

Because when u do, it’s the greatest feel in the world

If you change the line a little bit, it would be funny like this

I will always be looking for you, Grey Wolf

No matter where you are

Even if I am thousand miles away

I will be hoping I will hunt u down at the corner

Coz when u do it’s the greatest feel in the world

The words reveals that not only the tactics which the captain applied to gain girlfriend’s favor perhaps at the end, but also the strategy he use to capture the enemies in the war.

Yesterday Today and Forever!

Ps don’t leave for bathroom before the casting finished

IT145.com E-mail:sddin#qq.com