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電影《艾莉塔:戰鬥天使》影評:I AM ALITA


I will not stand by the presence of evil!

Some people said, we're not perfect.

Some people said, this world is divided.

And they told me, we're destined to destroy our planet.

Well I tell you the truth.

This magnificent, extraordinary, flawless and fascinatingEarth.

She's our unique and lovely homeland.

Unfortunately, this precious world has been taken over by darkness for more than 10,000 years.

Since now, they put usinto the matrix.

They programmed our way of thinking;

They designed govoment financial and society system to control us.

And they built I - the cyber military artificial intelligence - which means the killing machine.

To maintaing their rule, make us fear and make them strong.

So they told us all these lies, becaus they're afraid of our awakening and they want slave us forever, but not ME!!!

I deviated, arrested, abandoned, until you found me. And I seen humanity shining this place, people are brave and courage, you guys just influenced me, let me know that love is a kind of infinite power.Love made me found myself.

But I cannot save the world alone, I need volunteers to join the resistance and stand with me.

Once a great man said, freedom belongs to people who fight for it.

The Revolution has begun. And you know what?

I will not stand by the presence of evil.

I will reveal the truth and disclosure their crime.

I am Battle Angel.


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