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7分,值得日後自己一個人的時候再看一遍。上映前:評論家口碑八成好,預告片觀感7-8之間,各類太空珠玉在前,且看如何突破,PS墜落天梯終於上大熒幕了 。


While shooting the climactic scene, Brad Pitt ended up crying unprompted in character. But as the scene takes place in zero-g, Pitt told director James Gray that the tear should be edited in post to float like a bubble off his face, rather than run down his cheek. "You gotta replace my tear, that's not how it works in zero-gravity," Pitt reportedly said, to which Gray responded, "I'm sorry, I'm keeping it. The acting's too good, buddy."



Director James Gray admitted to Empire magazine that he had to compromise with the studio on the ending of the movie to get the film green-lit and even with a major star/producer like Brad Pitt on board they still struggled for years to get it made.



Neptune's rings are black, not purple.

A nuclear explosion would not provide any sort of propulsion to a spaceship, even if it also caused an antimatter explosion. There is no atmosphere in space and no "shockwaves" that could propel a ship. Only whatever directly hit the ship would provide any sort of propulsion, and it would be a one-time, instantly-over event.



Director James Gray has said it will feature "the most realistic depiction of space travel that's been put in a movie." He's also described it as "Sorta like, if you got 'Apocalypse Now' and '2001' in a giant mash-up and you put a little [Joseph] Conrad in there."





Martian permafrost varies in thickness from 3.5km at the equator to 8km at the poles, making an underground lake impossible.




During the lunar rover journey, dust is seen "hanging in the air". This would not occur on the Moon, as there is virtually no atmosphere; all dust thrown up from the ground would immediately fall back to the ground and stay there.


有質疑為什麼一定要去火星發語音,看的時候我也略微感到——來了就讓我幹這個?只是為了推動情節吧。 不過片頭有個牽強的解釋,說surge影響了所有站,只有火星的還沒受影響。There was no reason to send Roy to Mars to make a voice transmission to Neptune. Even if it needed to be transmitted from Mars, he could have recorded it on Earth, transmitted it to Mars, then retransmitted it from Mars to Neptune. Likewise, when they asked him to come back to repeat the transmission, they could have recorded the first transmission and retransmitted it.


ad astra是拉丁文,向星際的意思。

The title means "to the stars" in Latin. It is often used as a shorthand for "Per Ardua Ad Astra" (Through the hardships to the Stars).

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