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電影《厭世媽咪日記》影評:Every human wants the 26-year-old version of him/herself


With Theron playing the main character, it is like there are two choices: you either become Mavis in Young Adult or Marlo in this film.

We cannot have it all. Career, sex appeal and motherhood are the impossible trinity for women nowadays. However, self-sacrificing is in every woman's blood. Knowing you would have to compeletly throw your life away, females still keep choosing to give birth, breastfeed and bring up their own kids. "You cannot outsource your life." Those who have never raised a kid will never ever understand what Marlo is insisting on. Every mother knows this, from the first sight laid on your new-born, you are totally aware that you are the only one capable of giving him the best. How could you possibly not be guilty if not put all in?

Still, sometimes we miss the days in our 20s. We kissed a girl and we liked it. We had a hangover and crashed with a bunch of friends. We swallowed weird pills and rode bikes rushing through the nights. All of these do not seem as much fun when our 30s hits us. How come? Honestly I do not understand either, depite of personally having been through this. I believe it is a little trick God played with us when creating Evas. He put something in our genes in order to help humans breed themselves. That eagerness to pass on our DNAs, the need of some sense of belongings, the reluctant acceptance of bordem in life, are integral parts of humanity.

What is the most beautiful thing a woman has ever seen? Her first child. Inevitably kids biologically need mothers' full attention. It is implied in the ending that Tully's younger son's anxiety diminished with her being around. Love heals it all? Yes, but the love from a mother. Tully got postpartum depression and the son got abnormal sensitivity. Once again, mother and kid are linked tightly. Like Batman said, with great power comes great responsibility. Mother is irreplacable. The tough part is that being aware of this fact keeps you pushing yourself to boundaries, until collapsed, or in this case, you go crazy. The unbearable most fact of life is that every thing is bearable.

It is not about how much a man contributes to the family. It is not about how much a husband should take care of his wife. It is something in her blood driving her to do it over and over again, to repeatedly take in the bitterness in silence. Unfortunately all of this will always be her own thing.

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